


In the last two days, Washington was being consumed by a wild guessing game as to the identity of the writer, and swift denials of involvement in the op-ed came Thursday from top administration officials, including from vice president Mike Pence's office, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Dan Coats, director of national intelligence, and other cabinet members.

Screenshot of the New York Times anonymous opinion piece from a White House senior staff member /CGTN Photo


On Wednesday afternoon, The New York Times posted an anonymous op-ed article titled "I am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration", identifying the author as "a senior official in the Trump administration".

In the op-ed, the author described Trump's leadership style as "impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective".

"Many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations," the author wrote.

Pushing back against explosive reports about his own administration conspiring against him, US President Donald Trump lashed out against the anonymous senior official who wrote a New York Times opinion piece claiming to be part of a "resistance" working "from within" to thwart his most dangerous impulses.


英國《衛報》寫道,瘋狂從白宮傾瀉而出,《紐約時報》前所未有的文章都在試圖揭露“特朗普是當代不穿衣服的皇帝”。 《華爾街日報》稱,有白宮官員透露,在白宮西翼,高層官員們當天下午取消了所有會議,擠在一起討論如何找到這個人。

"The madness is pouring out of the White House now," The Guardian said later on, "An anonymous New York Times op-ed by a senior Trump administration official and an explosive new book reveal just how bad things are around the US president".


Trump, appearing at an unrelated event Wednesday at the White House, lashed out at the Times for publishing the op-ed. /VCG Photo

Trump was furious, tweeting Thursday morning that "The Deep State and the Left, and their vehicle, the Fake News Media, are going crazyy - & they don't know what to do".

On Wednesday night, Trump tweeted a demand that if "the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for national security purposes, turn him/her over to the government at once!" White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called on the "coward" who wrote the piece to "do the right thing and resign."

Trump, appearing at an unrelated event Wednesday at the White House, lashed out at the Times for publishing the op-ed. /VCG Photo



In an analysis by CNN, the author could be one of 13 people, which includes virtually many people in the Trump White House.

The text of the op-ed was pulled apart for clues: The writer is identified as an "administration official;" does that mean a person who works outside the White House? The references to Russia and the late Sen. John McCain-do they suggest someone working in national security? Does the writing style sound like someone who worked at a think tank? In a tweet, the Times used the pronoun "he" to refer to the writer; does that rule out all women?

The newspaper later said the tweet referring to "he" had been "drafted by someone who is not aware of the author's identity, including the gender, so the use of 'he' was an error."


副總統發言人賈羅德•阿根(Jarrod Agen)表示,“神秘作者”不是副總統邁克•彭斯(Mike Pence)。同一時間,正在印度出訪的美國國務卿邁克•蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)表示如果他覺得他已無法“執行指揮官的意圖”的話,他會辭職。“我不得不告訴你,我認為媒體在這方面做出的削弱本屆政府的努力令人非常不安”,蓬佩奧說。

國土安全部部長克爾斯蒂恩•M•尼爾森(Kirstjen M. Nielsen)的發言人表示,“尼爾森沒有寫這篇文章, 她正忙著保衛祖國,而不是撰寫這種匿名且虛假的文章。”


The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who is in India now, denied writing the anonymous opinion piece, saying, "It's not mine." He accused the media of trying to undermine the Trump administration and said he found that "incredibly disturbing".

"Secretary Nielsen is focused on leading the men & women of DHS and protecting the homeland – not writing anonymous & false opinion pieces for the New York Times," Tyler Houlton, press secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), said in a statement.

Dan Coats, director of National Intelligence later issued his own denial, followed by Defense Secretary James Mattis, Housing Secretary Ben Carson, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, budget director Mick Mulvaney and others; and with several prominent administration members delivering on-the-record denials, the focus could now fall on other senior aides to do the same, with questions raised about those who stay silent.

之後,白宮新聞秘書薩拉•赫卡比•桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)在推特上發文表示了極大的憤怒,並說若想知道“這個沒膽量的懦夫”到底是誰,應給《紐約時報》打電話,然後附上了電話號碼。

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to head off reporters' inquiries of Trump officials, tweeting that the questions should be aimed at The New York Times, which she said was "complicit in this deceitful act." Trump, appearing at an unrelated event Wednesday at the White House, lashed out at the Times for publishing the op-ed.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders's twitter screenshot /CGTN Photo


Actually, it is highly unusual for the western media to publish an anonymous column.

"It is rare for editorial pages to allow writers to write anonymously at all, and such decisions have often been reserved for situations where it is believed the author’s safety could be endangered", Wall Street Journal said on September 6.

“So much of the value of an op-ed is the weight the author brings to the issue through their experience. If you don’t know who that person is, it is very hard for the reader to determine whether it is important or not,” said Greg Kesich, editorial page editor of the Portland Press Herald.