
Paul Pierce thinks the earth is flat: "I should be able to [fly] to Russia in 1 hour if the Earth is moving 1,000 mph,”


視頻鏈接:[The Jump] 保羅-皮爾斯認為地球是平的>>

[–]76ersPhiladelphiaFish 242 指標 4小時前

I feel like half of these misconceptions could be avoided if these dudes took Physics 101 over the course of like a month.

I don't understand the reluctance to learn about something you're unsure about. I guess its easier to make shit up.



[–]Supersonicslady-grinning-soul 2347 指標 5小時前*

Can we get these guys some physics and geography lessons as an event at the all-star game


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-Bonsushakattack917 603 指標 5小時前

Taught by Dr O'Neal

Who thought Los Angeles was further away from Atlanta than the moon is.



[–][BKN] Vince CarterBoogiesAchilles 159 指標 5小時前

If he mistook the moon for the international space station, or even just assumed that the moon is a similar distance that's not the most outrageous thing I've ever heard. Maybe Shaq heard that the space station was only like 60 miles or whatever up, and then assumed that the moon is what like 2, 3, 4 times further than that? Who fuckin knew the moon is like 8 million miles away


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-Bonsushakattack917 114 指標 5小時前*

If he mistook the moon for the international Space Station

Turner Sports should drug test him.



[–]tacotuesdaysssss 77 指標 2小時前

Can we get a segment on TNT where people just like use these analogies to refute their claims and show them how dumb they sound. Then give them a physics lesson and explain to them how it works


[–]Raptorsimlesmartest 468 指標 4小時前

Ya! Like when you’re on a subway and jump you go flying to the back of the train


[–]Knicksshrinkwrappedzebra1 293 指標 5小時前

I should be able to walk from the back car to the front in just two seconds if the train is moving at 100mph


[–]Lakersthemoonwatchersclub 1372 指標 5小時前


"if i jump inside of a moving bus i should go flying to the back of the bus window"

相 對 速 度 啊!


[–]WizardsBLKMNMLST 49 指標 4小時前

Ok I know that stuff us real and all. But how does that work for airplanes, which are in the air all the time. How does relative velocity still effect them? Genuine question.


[–]Jazzcrownsontheground 340 指標 4小時前

The atmosphere rotates with the earth.


[–][LAL] Didier Ilunga-Mbengagive_me_taquitos 129 指標 2小時前

More accurately, it's because the plane is already moving at the speed of the earth's surface before it takes off. Everything else it does is relative to the surface.


[–]RaptorsBismackMyBiyombo 543 指標 5小時前

something in that boston water


[–]LakersSkorua 160 指標 5小時前

That's why their lobsters are so big


[–]HuskiesShermanator91 372 指標 5小時前

do you guys think paul pierce also pretended to be hurt but instead pooped his pants for every single physics class he has ever taken



[–]76ersIMLOwl 252 指標 5小時前

Can't wait for him to say KD should win DPOY.


[–]CelticsAffectionateZombie 132 指標 3小時前

"If we're being honest, Zaza Pachulia got some of the best sportsmanship in the league"


[–]Warriorswafino1 144 指標 3小時前

he poops his pants

he thinks they love him like Kobe

he flops and played for the Clippers





[–]Thunderlimark 343 指標 5小時前

I thought passing highschool was a requirement to get in the NBA...


[–][TOR] Pops Mensah-Bonsushakattack917 171 指標 5小時前

Lol these guys have nerds doing homework for them


[–]Mr_Unbiased 54 指標 5小時前

Lol educational system is a joke. It's a glorified day care.


[–][UTA] Mark EatonSwatLakeCity 53 指標 3小時前

You can't blame athletes not knowing 8th grade physics on the school system, these dudes just didn't try to learn. The education system has vast room for improvement but this particular dumbassery from Pierce isn't the school's fault, he's just content being ignorant of something other kids in the same American public school system learned just fine.


Blame the individual teachers, coaches, administrators and parents who allow their children to graduate with a 5th grade reading level just because they're fast and can jump high.


[–]Celticssirhumphry 94 指標 5小時前

Everyone is saying basketball players should be able to voice their opinions about stuff outside of basketball, but what they don't realize is basketball players on average are as stupid as any of us and that is pretty fucking stupid


[–]CelticsPulp501 835 指標 5小時前

Shut the fuck up Pierce. Public figures spreading this shit is so irresponsible. I would compare flat earthers to anti vaxxers. Anti vaxxers are a more immediate problem but they're both generally anti science, and if guys like Kyrie and Pierce are convincing young kids and gullible adults that the earth is flat I feel like that also makes it more likely that those people will go on to believe other ridiculous shit.


[–]RaptorsKluey 141 指標 4小時前

Anti vaxxers are a much bigger problem because it literally can kill people.


[–][POR] Damian Lillardsomethingnotyettaken 72 指標 3小時前

Flat earthers are teaching children not to believe science, which is very dangerous in our current era.


[–]SpursThehelloman0 135 指標 5小時前

What do these morons think cause different sunset and sunrise times? They've flown all over the country and to Canada, so they had to see this change constantly. What do they have to say about things like Eratosthenes' experiment that proved the earth is spherical over 2 millenia ago? Do they think all the pictures of space are fake? Paul Pierce is a fucking idiot


[–][UTA] Mark EatonSwatLakeCity 63 指標 3小時前*

Kyrie has done promotional stuff in China and Japan too, and he is an Australian citizen. He has all the personal experience anyone could ever need to see that the world is round but instead he chooses to believe some lunatics on YouTube instead of his own eyes.


Also, yes they believe NASA doctors all photos of Earth, if not entirely fakes them, and that airplane windows are curved to give the illusion of a curved horizon, among other conspiracies.


I've been told by an old co-worker that the Cold War was faked to distract everyone so America and the USSR could team up and continue to perpetrate the conspiracy, since they both acknowledged the other getting into space and obviously its a lie so why else would they cover for their supposed mortal enemies?


[–]SpursMuchoZucko 224 指標 4小時前

Someone explain to Paul Pierce that relative velocity is the reason you can shoot a basketball without it ending up in Russia.

I hope to fucking god he's joking.



[–]KingsBIizard 259 指標 4小時前

Yeah he's an idiot


[–]LakersDudeWTH 600 指標 4小時前

Paul Pierce shit his pants in the 2008 NBA Finals


[–]Maverickswd40fragrance 107 指標 4小時前

Paul Pierce actually thinks his poop hit his pantaloons at 1,000 mph
