
走近百大冠军第180期Calysta(IFBB pro):大多数人看到的是比赛那天的漂亮,快乐的舞台画面。巨星风采,妆容,闪闪发光的服装。Most just see pretty, happy stage shots from show day.the glam, the make up, that sparkly suit.

他们看不到的是每天早上4点的空腹有氧运动课,他们看不到的是工作/生活/健身房的努力平衡。they don't see the 4am fasted cardio sessions.they don 't see the work/life/gym balancing attempts.

他们看不到是你手上的茧。他们看不出你到底有多少次质疑自己。they don't see the broken calluses on your hands.they don't see how many times you actually do question yourself.

他们感觉不到你的饥饿、酸痛、疲惫。they don't feel the hunger, soreness, exhaustion.

他们看不到周末这个秀辛酸的地方(没有除臭剂,如厕问题,超小的洗手台。。等等),他们只是看到了最终的呈现。they don't see the grossness the show weekend actually is(no deodorant, how to pee, the minimal washing of hands.. etc), they just see the final product.

这就是我认为很多人小看了我们备赛和比赛的地方。that's where i think a lot of people underestimate prepping and competing.

他们并不理解准备健美比赛所需要的,无论是赛事的水准或者是选手的经验。they don 't truly understand what goes into preparing for these shows no matter the level of show or experience of the competitor.

这是日复一日的挑战,而不是只靠美貌。但健美带来的硕果是惊人的。it's a challenge day in and out and not glamours. but its rewarding as all hell.