圖解美劇學英語5期:you shouldn』t have gone to sth 虛擬語氣


今天這個小音頻依然是來自Desperate Housewives的第一季第一集,主要交代了四大女主之一Bree Van de Kamp的背景故事,快來跟W一起看看裡面地道的英語表達吧!


Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her cooking. And for making her own clothes. And for doing her own gardening. And for reupholstering her own furniture.

Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood. And everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is, except her own family.

from scratch=from the begining 從頭開始


BREE: Paul, Zachary.

ZACH: Hello Mrs. Van De Kamp.

PAUL: Bree, you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble.

BREE: It was no trouble at all. Now the basket with the red ribbon is filled with desserts for your guests. But the one with the blue ribbon is just for you and Zachary. It's got rolls, muffins, breakfast type things.

PAUL: Thank you.

BREE: Well, the least I could do is make sure you boys had a decent meal to look forward to in the morning. I know you're out of your minds with grief.

PAUL: Yes, we are.

BREE: Of course, I will need the baskets back once you're done.

PAUL: Of course.

這一段中我重點標出了幾個短語還是很有實用價值的,特別是用了虛擬語氣的you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble,大家可以記憶一下。


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