


On New Year's Day in 1912, the Republic of China was announced and Sun Yat-sen became the interim president. In the first year of the Republic of China, the head of the Nanjing Mint, Zhusunzhongshan, represented the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China, which was only cast. In the 16th year of the Republic of China(1927), the Northern Expedition was successful, the North and the South were unified, and Yuan Xiangyin ended. The Tianjin, Nanjing, Zhejiang, Sichuan, and other mints used the old model of the Nanjing factory in the first year of the Republic of China. Zhusunzhongshan's head was a silver coin, which was commonly known as the "small head."


规格:重:26.7 直径:3.94cm

类别:杂项 年代:民国


Name: Sun like double sail round silver coin

Specification: Weight: 26.7. diameter: 3.94 cm

Category: Miscellaneous years: Republic of China

This collection was made by Sunxiao in the 23rd year of the Republic of China and was cast by the Shanghai Central Mint in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. The entire coin is cast in snow and silver. The upper end of the front is cast with the words "Twenty-three Years of the Republic of China". The lower end is Sun Yat-sen's side image. The central end of the back is cast with "round". There is a pair of sailboats in the middle. This coin has a clear text, a beautiful pattern, a vivid portrait, and a very exquisite casting technique. Moreover, this collection is well preserved. Its color is natural, although slightly rusty, it does not hinder its appearance. It is more natural and delicate. The depth is suitable. In the currency, Sun Yat-sen's portrait is vivid. The design is novel and the Foundry is superb; With extremely high collection value and artistic value!


In 1929, when the Kuomintang government implemented the so-called "legal currency" policy, the banknotes issued by the three major banks of the Central Government, China, and transportation were the legal currency. The silver was nationalized and the legal currency was exchanged for silver coins within a limited period. Silver yen was no longer a legal currency. Therefore, after Sun Yat-sen was cast like a double-sail silver coin in twenty-three years, it did not circulate in the city. It is conceivable that there is little in the world.


Silver yuan is a mass collection, collectors have a certain number, in the early stage of each region of the strong buyer intervention plate, to a certain extent to control the market supply, resulting in a rapid rise in its price. The domestic silver collection is increasingly hot, and the fine silver yuan on the market is gradually being collected by major collectors. The stock of fine silver yuan is becoming less and less. Once there is a rare fine silver yuan, it will trigger a rush to buy, and it will be instantly collected by famous masters. Eat out.