

臣亮言:先帝创业未半,而中道崩殂;今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。然侍卫之臣,不懈于内;忠志之士,忘身于外者:盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德,恢弘志士之气;不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义,以塞忠谏之路也。 宫中府中,俱为一体;陟罚臧否,不宜异同:若有作奸犯科,及为忠善者,宜付有司,论其刑赏,以昭陛下平明之治;不宜偏私,使内外异法也。侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费依、董允等,此皆良实,志虑忠纯,是以先帝简拔以遗陛下:愚以为宫中之事,事无大小,悉以咨之,然后施行,必得裨补阙漏,有所广益。将军向宠,性行淑均,晓畅军事,试用之于昔日,先帝称之曰“能”,是以众议举宠为督:愚以为营中之事,事无大小,悉以咨之,必能使行阵和穆,优劣得所也。亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也。先帝在时,每与臣论此事,未尝不叹息痛恨于桓、灵也!侍中、尚书、长史、参军,此悉贞亮死节之臣也,愿陛下亲之、信之,则汉室之隆,可计日而待也。


臣诸葛亮上言:先帝创立帝业还没有完成一半,就中途去世了。现在,天下已分成魏、蜀、吴三国,我们蜀国人力疲惫,物力又很缺乏,这确实是国家危急存亡的关键时刻。然而,侍卫大臣们在宫廷内毫不懈怠,忠诚有志的将士在疆场上舍身作战,这都是因为追念先帝在世时对他们的特殊待遇,想报效给陛下啊。陛下确实应该广泛地听取群臣的意见,发扬光大先帝留下的美德,弘扬志士们的气概;不应该随随便便地看轻自己,言谈中称引譬喻不合大义(说话不恰当),以致堵塞忠臣进谏劝告的道路。 皇宫的侍臣和丞相府的宫吏都是一个整体,对他们的提升、处分、表扬、批评,不应该因人而有什么差别。如果有营私舞弊、违犯法律和尽忠行害的人,陛下应交给主管的官吏,由他们评定应得的处罚或奖赏,用来表明陛下公正严明的治理方针。不应偏袒徇私,使得宫内和宫外有不同的法则。侍中郭攸之、费祎、侍郎董允等人,他们都是忠良诚实的人,他们的志向和心思忠诚无二,因此先帝把他们选拔出来留给陛下。我认为宫中的事情,无论大小,陛下都应征询他们,然后再去实施,这样一定能补求欠缺疏漏的地方,获得更好的效果。将军向宠,性格和善,品德公正,精通军事,从前经过试用,先帝称赞他有才能,因此大家商议推举他做中部督。我认为军营中的事务,都应与他商量,这样一定能使军队团结协作,将士才干高的差的、队伍强的,都能够得到合理的安排。亲近贤臣,疏远小人,这是前汉兴隆昌盛的原因;亲近小人,疏远贤臣,这是后汉所以倾覆衰败的原因。先帝在世时,每次与我谈论这些事,没有一次不对桓、灵二帝感到叹息、惋惜痛心的。侍中郭攸之、费祎,尚书陈震,长史张裔,参军蒋琬,这些都是忠贞贤良能够以死报国的忠臣,希望陛下亲近他们、信任他们,那么汉室的兴隆就指日可待了。


Permit me to observe:The late emperor was taken from us before he could finish his life's work, the restoration of the Han. Today, the empire is still divided in three, and our very survival is threatened. Yet still, the officials at court and the soldiers throughout the realm remain loyal to you, your majesty. Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you. This is the moment to extend your divine influence, to honor the memory of the late Emperor and strengthen the morale of your officers. It is not the time to listen to bad advice or close your ears to the suggestions of loyal men.The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished. The emperors of the Eastern Han chose poorly, and they doomed the empire to ruin. Whenever the late Emperor discussed this problem with me, he lamented the failings of Emperors Huan and Ling.I began as a common man, farming in my fields in Nanyang, doing what I could to survive in an age of chaos. I never had any interest in making a name for myself as a noble. The late Emperor was not ashamed to visit my cottage and seek my advice. Grateful for his regard, I responded to his appeal and threw myself into his service. Now twenty-one years have passed.The late Emperor always appreciated my caution and, in his final days, entrusted me with his cause. Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the fear that I might let him down. That is why I crossed the Lu river at the height of summer and entered the wastelands beyond. Now the south has been subdued, and our forces are fully armed. I should lead our soldiers to conquer the northern heartland and attempt to remove the hateful traitors, restore the house of Han, and return it to the former capital. This is the way I mean to honor my debt to the late Emperor and fulfill my duty to you.My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han. If I let you down, punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor. Your Majesty, consider your course of action carefully. Seeking out the good advice, and never forget the last words of the last Emperor. I depart now on a long expedition, and I will be forever grateful if you heed my advice.

Blinded by my own tears, I know not that I write.
