
文/Aruna Chandrasekhar


While the world reels from the hottest summer in history, a fresh new movie version of The Jungle Book is in the works. But even the most intricate, sinister re-telling of the story could not mirror the situation in what’s left of Central Indian jungles today.


Whether at Davos, G7 or the United Nations, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi hasn’t missed an opportunity to reassure the world of India’s climate and environmental leadership and remind everyone of the sustainable lifestyles of even the country’s poorest. This year, India was the global host of World Environment Day in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme.


At COP23 in Bonn, India lobbied hard alongside China on behalf of developing countries for pre-2020 climate action and support for victims of climate change, opposite Trump and other legacy emitters.

2016 年6 月5 日,印度學生手捧樹苗,參加世界環境日的有關環保宣傳活動。


Such diplomacy is hard to pull off when your country’s capital is reeling from a glaring air pollution crisis, with a Lancet report estimating national mortality from pollution as high as 2.5 million deaths. Now, another international report places India last in environmental performance globally.


In June 2018, India ranked 177th out of 180 countries on the Global Environment Performance Index. The index, developed by Yale and Columbia universities in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, ranks 180 countries on a series of different environmental indicators. India dropped 36 places from 141th in 2016.


The Indian government has dismissed the index for subjective methodology, a chief complaint being that ecosystem vitality was used as an indicator in this edition of the rankings. However, the vitality of its forests is a key indicator of precisely where India’s problem lies.


As per the Indian government’s latest State of Forests report, the total forest and tree coverage of the country is 802,088 square kilometers, which is 24.39 percent of the total geographical area of the country. It claims a net increase of 6,778 square kilometers in forest coverage, roughly one percent, and 1,243 square kilometers in tree coverage.


The methodology India uses to determine its forest coverage has been flawed from the start—the current norms date back to 2001. According to the Forest Survey of India, if tree canopy covers more than ten percent of a 1-hectare (about 2.4 acres) plot, it is considered forest, regardless of ownership, biodiversity or usage.

2018 年8 月10 日,印度西南部卡納塔克邦境內部分路段放置的警示牌,提示來往車輛“象群出沒。


This allows eucalyptus plantations grown on droughtprone soil for commercial use and Delhi’s Lodhi gardens, favored by its decision-makers and diplomats for a spot of yoga, to count as forest at the same scale as jungles. By the FSI’s own admission, this methodology discounts ecosystems ranging from wetlands and grasslands, from creeks in mangroves to alpine meadows.


The inflated numbers hide an alarming rise in the diversion of forest land for industrial projects in the country’s central heartland.


In the last three years that Narendra Modi’s government has been in power, the Indian government granted clearances to 1,805 proposals to divert forest land. According to the Delhi-based eco-legal organization EIA Resource and Response Centre that tracks the ministry’s meetings, the expert panel with the environment ministry approved 93 percent of all projects in 2017 that required forest diversion, covering 2,139.94 square kilometers, and rejected only six percent. Only one percent of all decisions were deferred.


States that report the most diversion of forestland in the last three years—Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh—form the central and eastern heartland, where the country’s forest, mineral, tribal, wildlife and industrial maps overlap. This is coal country: State-owned mining firms have continued to expand production rapidly in a race to meet a 1.5 billion ton per year target.


If large-scale displacement and pollution wasn’t enough, villagers now have to deal with increasing wildlife conflict, with elephant corridors disrupted by new rail, coal and power corridors.


In 2015, 41-year-old engineer Jong Kitau who was working for a private coal power plant, was trampled to death by an elephant. The firm that hired the engineer is among India’s biggest coal transporters, and it denied the presence of elephants in the area in order to obtain a forest clearance for the project. Locals from the Adivasi and Dalit communities filed criminal complaints against the company for forcibly grabbing their forest land.


“Since we went to court, the company has been putting more pressure on us,” alleged Pavitri Manjhi, village chief and human rights defender. “Because I refused to sign a No-Objection Certificate, harassment from the company hasn’t ceased.”




On paper, India claims it is at least working on its forest loss problem. It sets lofty targets as part of its Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, including a goal to create an additional carbon drop of 2.5 to 3 billion tons of carbon dioxide through additional tree cover.


There appears to be no shortage of afforestation schemes, and officials are complaining about confusion over which to access. The Green India Mission is part of six missions launched in 2008 under India’s National Climate Change Action Plan as part of commitments to the UNFCCC.


The Green India Mission, formally launched in February 2014 with a goal of adding an additional five million hectares of forest land (over 12 million acres), has been seeded since its inception by the National Clean Energy Fund. The Fund is fed by a unique carbon tax on every ton of coal mined in India. Originally meant for the research and development of renewable energy and climate change mitigation, this fund, like its forests, has been steadily diverted to the Modi government’s pet projects ranging from cleaning the Ganges to sanitation subsiding damage sustained by states as a result of its Goods and Services Tax.


In 2017, while the Indian government diverted 57,000 crores (about US$7.94 billion) from the Clean Energy Fund to subsidize the state’s taxation losses, the same financial year, the Green India Mission was allocated 47.80 crores (over US$6.5 million) with a budget estimate of 60 crores (over US$8.3 million) for 2018-19.


Touted as the world’s biggest forest renewal scheme is an afforestation fund of US $6 billion managed by the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA).


CAMPA was meant to manage India’s forest loss by requiring diverters to pay for afforestation equal to double the land they take.


As the fund mushroomed, scams followed, and the country’s auditor general issued a damning report in 2013 that showed how afforestation targets were being sorely missed while funds were used to refurnish forest guest houses for VIPs, buy SUVs for senior staff and purchase iPods.


The CAMPA fund is set to grow even further, as mining companies are fined for illegally mining forest land in the neighboring state of Odisha. States such as Goa, which lost precious forest due to mining for iron ore, are complaining of a lack of land for afforestation while companies are buying up private land for forests.




Locals living next to some of the biggest mines in the country accuse companies of ignoring forests in their backyards.


“If they’d planted even 2 percent of the trees they claim they have, this coal town would be cooler than the Himalayas,” declared Surajiya, an Adivasi elder at an environmental public hearing for the fourfold expansion of Kusmunda India’s largest open coast coal mines, South Eastern Coalfields Limited.


The company is now seeking to divert even more forest land than the nearly 1,000 hectares (about 2,471 acres) in its possession acquired for this purpose from the Central government. Laws requiring Surajiya be consulted before the diversion of its forests have been steadily rolled back: A series of notifications have exempted coal mines seeking to expand capacity from conducting public environmental hearings.


Reins of control over the CAMPA fund still rest with the central government, even as a new law seeks to change it. Activists argue that decentralization without checks and balances is not the answer. According to them, a new threat now lies in the country’s new 2018 Draft Forest Policy, which will allow for public-private partnership in afforestation activities. Meanwhile, India’s inviolate forest area policy, which is intended to protect certain zones from mining and diversion, has yet to see the light of day.

印度阿薩姆邦Kamrup Metro 地區政府正在拆除古瓦哈提附近森林中的違法定居建築。

印度阿薩姆邦Kamrup Metro 地區政府正在拆除古瓦哈提附近森林中的違法定居建築。


As per India’s Forest Rights Act and Biodiversity Conservation Act, India’s indigenous communities should have a say in plantation on their land, but new rules don’t allow for it. Communities across the belt are trying to take charge. A cooperative firm for the coal-displaced from Surajiya’s neighborhood is now bidding for contracts for reforestation and coal transport alike.


Globally, even board members of the Green Climate Fund admit that community-based afforestation measures are more likely to succeed. “Let us handle our forests like we have been for generations— we can’t possibly do a worse job than you,” urged Nirupa Bai, an Adivasi woman who has been displaced twice over for the Kusmunda mine’s expansion, as India’s appetite for energy and development continues to show no signs of abating. “Remember that no one is immune.”


But not only are rural Indians resisting—forest conservation movements are gaining momentum even in the country’s largest cities.


In Mumbai, a proposed metro shed threatens Adivasi communities who depend on the city’s Aarey forest, also frequented by leopards that are straying into human settlements as their habitat shrinks further.


In Delhi, housing plans have been cited as reason for a spree of treecutting that stalled after intervention from the city’s principal green court. In its twin-city of Gurgaon, Aravalli forests are under constant threat from real estate developers because they haven’t yet been designated as a forest. Facing a lifethreatening air quality crisis far worse than Beijing, Delhiites have taken to the streets to fight tree loss. According to anti-pollution activist Brikesh Singh, who once lived in a tree for a month in Central India to protest the diversion of forest land for a coal mine, now “more than ever, literally every tree counts.”

本文作者Aruna Chandrasekhar是一位獨立記者和電影製作人,致力於公司責任感、土地、環境和氣候變化等交叉領域的研究。

The author is an award-winning independent journalist and filmmaker working on issues at the intersection of corporate accountability, land, environment, conflict and climate change.