

.Luxe顶级域名的所有者 Minds&Machines (MMX,一家在伦敦上市的注册局)最近宣布:他们即将开启,可支持ENS解析的顶级后缀——.Luxe 的注册服务。“这将是ENS和MMX两家伟大公司之间合作的高潮,我们已经在幕后工作了将近一年,我们很高兴能够真正推出它。这将意味着,Luxe是第一个能够通过ENS技术,将域名解析至以太坊区块链的顶级域名。”

——ENS创始人&首席研发者,Nick Johnson如是说。

Minds & Machines, the owner of the .luxe TLD (top-level domain) recently announced that they will be opening registrations for .luxe with built-in integration with ENS. This is the culmination of a partnership between myself and Minds & Machines that we’ve been working on behind the scenes for nearly a year now, and we’re delighted to be able to launch it. Integrating directly with ENS means that .luxe is the first top-level domain that is natively “ENS enabled”.——Nick Johnson,the Lead Developer of ENS.


ENS (Ethereum Name Service)是以太坊域名服务,一个基于以太坊的分布式,开放和可扩展的域名系统。

以太坊生态圈中使用的一些哈希地址通常十分长,例如以太坊钱包地址和 Swarm 文件的哈希地址,而 ENS 域名系统是旨在为用户提供简短易读的域名。 ENS 没有授予任何商标或者声明任何所有权,注册一个 ENS 域名是一个完全去中心化的过程,域名并不是通过购买获得,你需要将一定数额的以太币存入相应的注册合约中,作为保证金锁定至少一年。为了避免垃圾和无意义的操作,拍卖域名的过程包括了锁定保证金和销毁违约金,尽量确保域名会被实际的使用者所注册。过程中所花费的以太币最终会被返回给中标者、违约销毁,不会产生收益,完全非盈利性质。




What does it mean to be “ENS Enabled”?

Direct integration with ENS means that any owner of a .luxe domain can instantly associate it with an Ethereum account via their registrar. That account then fully controls the .luxe name inside ENS.

Once configured, the name can be used like any other ENS name (which until recently meant only .eth names) — you can associate names with wallets and contracts, use it to reference distributed content on IPFS and Swarm, and even use it to name your cryptokitties. You can also create subdomains, with all the same capabilities as the main domain.


Minds & Machines(Luxe注册局)已经宣布了一项发布计划,其中包括:对当前 .ETH 的30万所有者的一个特殊的早期注册期——如果您已经拥有了 .ETH,那么在别人注册域名之前,您将有一个优先注册机会在特殊的预注册期间注册相应的.Luxe域名的机会(且价格优惠:买一年增一年)。






When can I register a .luxe domain?

Minds & Machines have announced a launch schedule, which includes a special early-access period for owners of .eth domains on ENS. If you own a .eth domain, you will be have a priority registration opportunity to register the corresponding .luxe domain during a special pre-registration period before anyone else can register domains. The period is from the 9th to the 25th of October at 4:00PM UTC, and applies to all .eth domains registered before the 28th of September 2018. General availability, for any name still available in .luxe, starts on November 6, after which anyone can register the previously reserved names.

Such like:



and whatever you want.