

China has a long history and quite many nationalities. In the thousands of years’ civilization history, wise people have creatively improved the dwelling environment, and therefore folk houses of distinctive features are impressive in China.


The walled house of the Hakkas, quadrangle courtyard of Beijing, the cave dwelling of Shaanxi, the house on stilts of Guangxi and the “one-seal” folk house of Yunnan are five feature folk house types in China.


“One-Seal” folk house was created by Han and Yi ancestors together, and it was the earliest “feature brand” architectural type popular in Kunming.


“One-Seal” Folk House with Three Principal Rooms,

Two Wing Rooms, and 8-Foot Porch is Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer


The basic rule of the “One-Seal” folk house is “three principal rooms, two wing rooms and 8-foot porch”. The plane is nearly square, the principal rooms are two-storey, and the wing rooms are at both ends, all of which comprise a quadrangle dwelling; a small courtyard is in the middle, and the porch has the 8-foot depth. The whole square building resembles a seal, so it is called “one-seal” folk house.


The plateau area in Central Yunnan has the climate like spring throughout the year, and it has no cold winter but pretty much wind and rain. The high and small windows are to keep out wind, sand and fire; the small courtyard is to form shade, facilitate lighting and block strong sunshine exposure; the principal rooms have different heights from that of wing rooms, and this design facilitates drainage of rainwater.


After hundreds of years’ development, the “One-Seal” ancient folk house in Kunming has carried forward and extended our ancestors’ architectural concepts and skills. The corner building is the feature, and the “round heaven and square earth and stable features” traditional concepts have taken deep roots in buildings.


The “one-seal” folk house may be alone or connected; they may be luxurious or simple. They are the most prevalent and comfortable residential buildings for civilians in the Dianchi Basin for thousands of years.

雲南大地上的“玉璽” 其樂融融一家親

Harmonious Family in “One-Seal” Folk Houses in Yunnan


Kunming people in the past lived in the “one-seal” house for generations in Yunnan.


Generations of people in one household live together. They may be three or four generations living happily together. A tongue twister says in the past in Kunming that the fried fish of one family is smelt by all people in the folk house, one family in trouble is helped by all, the quarrel of one family is advised by all, and if one family is stolen, the whole house is in a chaos.


In the “one-seal” folk house, extended families share the same root, and a good brother is better than a brother far away.


The “one-seal” folk house has intense local atmosphere, and it reflects culture and customs of local residents, because it is the product of the collision between multi-ethnic culture and traditional customs in Kunming.


The “one-seal” folk house is the dwelling place, the spiritual attachment and indispensible part in the life of Kunming people.

且賞且觀 即將消失的“一顆印”

Appreciate the Rare “One-Seal” House


In the past, no matter in urban or rural areas in Kunming, economical and practical “one-seal” folk houses were very popular among civilians of Han Nationality and ethnic groups. However, as time flies, the crowded ancient building complex has gone.


The old house in downtown of Kunming has a history of 150 years, and it is what it was without restoration. It is a typical one-seal building. Now the merchant has renovated it into an old house restaurant with its unique features. In addition to its lasting charm, the house has aroma of food and melodious music.


Ma’s Courtyard built in 1923 is the brick-wood building featured in “four principal houses and five courtyards” and “corner building”. The building includes wood carving, stone carving, etc. with exquisite workmanship.


Now “one-seal” buildings are in South and North Guanghua Street, Jingxing Street, East and West Qianwang Street, Yongdao Street, etc. and some are in remote rural areas. However, most of them are not folk houses.


Yunnan Province Museum is located in Guangfu Road, Kunming City. The new exhibition hall with “one-seal “as the design prototype wins the Luban Prize for Construction Project of China.



Look for the eternal charm of “one-seal” houses in Kunming,

the city having flourishing flowers throughout the year.