







Filiz Hassan

F H Communications

E: Filiz@fhcommunications.co.uk

International Fur Federation Statement

Friday 11 January 2019, London- “Fake News” is now seen as one of the greatest threats to democracy, free debate and the Western order.

Headlines claiming that London Fashion Week has banned fur are completely false. No such decision has been taken and fur has already been shown during Men’s Fashion Week in January.

Reports that the city Council of Los Angeles has banned fur are also false, no ban exists and fur is still being sold in LA.

The council have voted to explore how both fake and real fur could be addressed, no measures have been finalised or approved.

Additionally, statements that French fashion house, Chanel have also banned fur are similarly incorrect. Within their official statement, the brand made no direct comment on natural fur, rather it was about their use of exotic leathers.


The IFF, the body representing the natural fur industry would like to highlight that this propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation is not only damaging but also harmful to the reputation of the fur industry. The IFF take this matter very seriously and going forward will pursue legal action against those creating or circulating it.

For further information please contact:

Filiz Hassan

F H Communications

E: Filiz@fhcommunications.co.uk