【China Insight】匈牙利前总理:未来中欧如何进一步合作?


Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to Italy, Monaco, and France from March 21 to 26. It marks President Xi's first state visit in 2019 and highlights the importance of China-Europe relations. It is believed that his state visit will further promote relations between both sides.

匈牙利前总理鲍伊瑙伊在接受China Focus的独家专访时,谈到了他对中欧合作的展望以及对英国“脱欧”形势的看法。看完这个视频,你也会了解到他对中国发展有哪些印象深刻的地方,以及为什么他认为进一步开放会为中欧双方带来更多“共赢”机会。

In an exclusive interview with China Focus, Gordon Bajnai, former Prime Minister of Hungary, revealed his prospects of China-EU cooperation and his views on the Brexit situation of the UK. He also mentions what impressed him most about China's development and why further opening-up offers "win-win" opportunities for China and Europe.


Gordon Bajnai, former Prime Minister of Hungary


Bajnai is a Hungarian entrepreneur and economist, who served as the Prime Minister of Hungary from 2009 to 2010. He has been struck by how much China has transformed itself in the past 10 years. The former Hungarian Prime Minister has witnessed vast changes in China since swapping front-line politics for the boardroom.


In 1999, he was voted one of the 30 most promising Central-Eastern European business executives by the Central European Business Review. In 2003, the National Association of Managers named Bajnai its "Young Manager of the Year". In 2006, he was awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit Officer's Cross Class by the Republic of Hungary as an acknowledgement of his exceptional professionalism and company management work, as well as his achievements in the area of company management culture development.


How Should We View Changes in China?


Bajnai: Beijing is incomparable to what it was 10 years ago and before. It's a very modern, world-class city. And even more interesting is the fact that through this long-lasting and continuous modernization, it has kept its buzz and entrepreneurial spirit.


Chinese people are busy. They want to do things better and are willing to grow. Everybody has an idea and wants to achieve something. It seems that despite 30 years of uninterrupted growth, they haven't fallen into the middle-income trap in which so many developing countries have lost their way.


China has very successfully covered the last 40 years, emerging as the second largest economy in the world, and even now it is still going. From the perspective of the outside world and from the perspective of history, it looks as if the government is actually building a China with socialist characteristics. And it is the 5,000-year-old old China, which is now, in a way, regaining its place in the global economy and geo-politics.


In Which Fields Can China Open-Up More?


Bajnai: It has to allow foreign companies to compete more and invest more freely in the Chinese economy, and participate in sectors like finance, services or health care, which is very critical for China. There was a recent announcement by the Chinese leadership that the country is heading in that direction, so I'm optimistic about it happening.


How Should We Understand China-U.S. Relations?


Bajnai: China has become one of the two most important players in the global economy. Those two most important players are the United States and China. If you think about the 19th-century United States, they went through the same process — gradually becoming a leading force in the world and learning to deal with the external environment.


It is a process. All sides need to have the wisdom to accommodate China, and in doing so can make it a win-win situation, as opposed to zero-sum games. In a zero-sum game, ultimately perhaps everyone will lose.


How Do You View China-EU Relations?


Bajnai: Cooperation is strong, but I think it would be fantastic if cooperation could be taken even further, and for that China also needs to make progress in some kind of a free trade agreement. In fact, Europe and China are now the only two open areas maintaining, developing and progressing the global trading system, and they are close to one another on the issue of climate change.


What Is Your View of the Brexit Situation in the UK?

▲ 2019年1月14日,英国伦敦,支持英国“脱欧”和反对英国“脱欧”的抗议者在国会大厦外高举旗帜和标语牌。

Pro-Brexit and anti-Brexit protesters hold flags and placards outside the UK Houses of Parliament, in London, Britain, on Jan. 14, 2019.


Bajnai: I'm very sorry for what is happening. But the trick is that once something like that happens, it becomes very difficult to turn it back. That's the dilemma. I hope that there will be some common sense, which has been a characteristic of the United Kingdom's politics over the past several hundred years. They have long been rational, pragmatic, looking long term and democratic. I hope that this tradition will prevail because at the moment the situation looks quite desperate.

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