



Q: Yesterday according to CNN and some other American media, an Australian scholar found that Ron Vara, an expert who was known as a hardliner on China and was quoted to criticize China in books by Director Peter Navarro of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy at the White House, is in fact a fabricated figure. Mr. Navarro acknowledged that this "scholar" wasn't real, saying that "somebody finally figured out an inside joke that has been hiding in plain sight for years." I wonder if you have any comment on that?

問:近日,CNN等美國多家媒體報道,一位澳大利亞專家發現,美國白宮國家貿易委員會主任納瓦羅在其多部書中多次引用一個對華強硬的專家“羅恩·瓦拉(Ron Vara)”,來批評攻擊中國,而這個專家竟然是編造出來的。納瓦羅本人也承認這個所謂的專家根本不存在,還表示“終於有人發現了這個隱藏多年的笑話”。你對此有何評論?

A: I believe you, my Chinese and foreign friends from the press, may have read the media reports.


Frankly, this case triggered strong responses and astonishment worldwide. On some level, it shows that out of personal or political hidden intentions, certain people in the US can do whatever they can think of to contain and smear China without scruple.


It is absurd and extremely dangerous to make lies, spread lies and even formulate policies based on lies. Such moves will threaten and undermine normal international relations and order. Apart from that, the US will hurt its own interests in the end.


Via 外交部網站

Unfortunately, however, we did hear the acknowledgment by certain person in the US that "We lied, we cheated, we stole. It is the glory of American experiment." We did see lies are what the US used to fuel the wars in Iraq and Syria, and now they are again used on issues related to China's Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Huawei and related 5G technologies, the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as the so-called "Chinese interference in US presidential elections" as the Russian journalist asked earlier.


It is necessary for one to set some bounds on one's behavior. We hope certain people in the US will return to reason as early as possible. In the meantime, we hope the international community including you, my journalist friends, will learn something from this case and carefully examine the ideas and views that certain people in the US are so desperately disseminating in their propaganda.




整合:Global Times
