

1.《V字仇杀队》(V for Vendetta)


People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Instead, the government should be afraid of its people. This is the movie customized for Chinese, coming from Americans who pretend to be British.

2.《死亡诗社》(Dead Poets Society)


We all have a great need for acceptance. But you must trust that your own beliefs are unique. Even though others may think them odd or unpopular. Even though the herd may go, that’s bad.

3.《大鱼》(Big Fish)


When I was a child, I felt my father was like God who could do anything, and gradually found he was not as almighty as I expected. Only later did I realize that the almightiness is nothing but love.



People don’t love beauty at all. For them, beauty is not to be forgiven, but is to be destroyed.


*注意,这是美国电影,不是赵薇那部《花木兰》哦 !


It is said that being far away from home makes one forget where they are from and killing too many makes one lose humanity. Lives, like raindrops, pour in the battlefield without any trace. If you love someone at the time, hope blossoms once again from the earth, embracing the life enthusiastically.

6. 《撞车》(Crash)


Seemingly irrelevant trifles got inextricably intertwined within 36 hours, and the root of this mayhem is racial discrimination.

7. 《浪潮》(Die Welle)


“they are not able to understand Fascism, but suddenly become part of this movement.”There is something that cannot be discerned by reasoning.

8. 《一一》(Yiyi)


We are already old before comprehending the truth of life.

9.《搏击俱乐部》(Fighting Club)


As a proverb goes, people tend to hurt those they love. On the other hand, people also will love those they hurt.

10. 《肖申克的救赎》(The Redemption of Shawshank)


Don’t forget there are places in the world that are not made out of stone, and there is something inside that they cannot get to. That is hope.