


美國阿肯色州一個名叫蔡絲蒂·帕特森(Chastity Patterson)的23歲女子也是這麼做的。她在父親去世後的4年中,每天都向父親的手機號發送消息訴說自己的生活日常,把4年中獨自所經歷的點點滴滴、生活的起起落落全都記錄在了發送給那個手機號的短信中。

圖 via Fox News

She talked about how she beat cancer and has been taking better care of herself like she promised her father she would. She talked about how she finished college and graduated with honors and how she’d fallen in love and had her heart broken, “(you would have killed him),” she told her father.


▲Arkansas woman texted father's number every day after he died, she got a response four years later (via Fox News)


He said his name was Brad and that he has been receiving Patterson’s messages the past four years.


What made the moment even more special is that the two were bonded in tragedy.


Brad lost his daughter in a car wreck in August 2014. He told Patterson that her messages “have kept [him] alive.”


He told Patterson he had not reached out before because he didn’t want to break her heart.


Brad then ended the message by saying he wished his little girl would have become the woman Patterson is, and that he is so proud of her.


▲Woman texts dead father’s phone for 4 years gets response (via wtvr.com)

圖 via Facebook


Patterson revealed that the loved one she'd lost, Jason Ligons, was not her biological father, but she called him dad.


"Jason was not my 'biological' father, but blood could not make him any closer!" she said.


"He never missed a school dance, prom, my games and YES he would give me long talks about my mouth and attitude. I had to introduce my boyfriends to him (If I was allowed to date) and he would act like a normal dad and give us the long talk," Patterson said.


"I shared my messages for my friends and family to see that there is a God and it might take 4 years, but he shows up right on time!" she added.


▲Arkansas woman texted father's number every day after he died, she got a response four years later(via Fox News)

截圖 via Facebook


Her post has since been shared more than 198,000 times and brought many people to tears.


“I hope you two stay in touch. I’m sure you’re in each other’s lives for a reason,” one woman wrote.


▲Surprising reply after woman texts dead dad's number every day for four years

(via au.news.yahoo.com)


資料:Fox News, wtvr.com, au.news.yahoo.com

圖/題圖:Fox News, Facebook