
在AI時代,很多行業都面臨著重塑甚至顛覆。那麼,就翻譯這一行業來說,新技術的誕生是否意味著人工翻譯的終結?我們還有必要學習外語嗎?相比於機器翻譯,人類翻譯又有哪些獨到之處呢?昨日(11月9日),新中國翻譯事業70年論壇暨2019中國翻譯協會年會在北京開幕,國際譯聯主席凱文·夸克(Kevin Quirk)在開幕式致辭中就這些問題作了深入探討。小百通特將其發言編譯出來,推送給大家。

國際譯聯主席凱文·夸克(Kevin Quirk)致辭。攝影:張瑞宇/中國網



FIT -The International Federation of Translators – gathers together some 130 associations of translators, terminologists and interpreters from around the world, representing around 85,000 of the best professionals in our industry.


As a Federation of translators' associations, we include among our numbers some of the largest associations in the world, including ATA in the USA, SFT in France, ITI in the UK, BDÜ in Germanyand.


Of course, Translators Association of China (TAC), the biggest of them all. A veritable powerhouse among translators' associations.


Each of these associations – from the largest to the smallest – has its own special characteristics, peculiarities and areas of focus. In sum then they are, in other words, as diverse as the cultures and the languages they represent.


What each of our members' members have in common, however, is a commitment to the profession. That is, every one of them – and you yourselves – are all professionals who provide high quality translations, terminology or interpreting services.



From my travels around the world in recent years and from speaking and meeting with translators, terminologists and interpreters in a wide range of countries, I feel qualified to make the following four observations or claims, or even undeniable facts – truths about translators.


These traits, I believe, are common to translators throughout the world and they are characteristics that I believe essentially unite us as human translators.


1. Translators possess an above-average love of language.


2. Translators show an above-average willingness to adopt and embrace new technology(We were Baidu before Baidu even existed).


3. Translators are of above-average intelligence.


4. Translators are of above-average beauty.


By beauty here, I mean, an inner beauty reflecting your above-average love of language, your above-average willingness to adapt to new technology and your above-average intelligence, but as I look around the room, I can also say that I am not wrong about my fourth (most contentious) claim either.



Every time I have attended the TAC Conference, I have been impressed by the themes you have chosen for your conferences, and this year's theme – Translation in China – 70 Years of Development – is indeed no exception, mirroring as it does 70 years of development of the People's Republic of China.


In this respect, I urge you all to take time to view the newly opened Photo Exhibition on 70 Years of Translation Work in China, as it provides a visual representation of the way in which translation work has developed in China over the years.


In my opinion, what TAC is achieving here in terms of development of the translating profession deserves our utmost respect.


TAC has always played a key role within FIT, and for as long as I can remember, TAC has always had a representative on FIT Council, FIT's supreme body between Congresses.


I am particularly indebted to TAC for their strong support in helping develop and create a FIT Asia Regional Centre, which has been one of my personal ambitions during my presidency.


Very shortly, I hope FIT will be able to present news of the establishment of such a regional centre – to complement our existing centres in Europe, North America and Latin America.



I would like to use the rest of my allotted time to say a few words about something that has been perceived by some as a threat – indeed, a great threat – to our profession, namely machine translation, neural machine translation and artificial intelligence.


I know that one pertinent question being asked by many young people who may be interested in becoming a translator or an interpreters is: Will the introduction of new technologies herald the imminent death of the human translator, as some pundits have glibly claimed?


Two years ago I moderated a panel discussion arranged by the Director General of Translation in the European Commission on what machine translation will mean for translators.


As the only practitioner – the only practising translator on the panel – I was reliably informed, in no uncertain words, by the other panelists – scholars and technologists – that within five years there would no longer be a need for human translators.


In fact, I was even told we would need to find a new name for the work carried out by humans as the role of translator would be taken over completely by machines.


Several names were offered by those same pundits for the new role for humans employed in the translation process, including reviewer, reviser, post-editor, machine translation teacher and even cleaner.


I made it quite clear, however, that I had no intention of ever calling myself President of the International Federation of Cleaners.


Well, a couple of years have passed since then and even though the pace of technological development is very fast, we are still here, thankfully, and for a very good reason.


I think it is fair to say there is a lot of hype out there, but in my mind there is also a lot of hope.


Not hope that translators will soon disappear and be replaced completely by automated translation and interpretation for that matter. Rather, there is hope in that machine translation appears to produce more translations and at the same time to open up the world to new cultures.


Furthermore, there are clear indications that there is more work out there for skilled human translators, as long as they continue to provide high-quality professional language services.


I urge you all to excel at what you do. Read widely and improve at all times! Be the best you can at what you do!


I would like to reiterate here though that human translators, who we have already established are highly adaptable, are truly brilliant and will not be replaced for many, many years to come.


Finally, it is essential that we continue to recognise the great work human translators do.


Last year, I was honoured when TAC asked FIT to support the Han Suyin International Translation Contest, and this year I am very happy that FIT will also be involved in the award ceremony later today.


In my opinion, such contests are important as we recognise the best of the best in our field. And I consider recognition and acknowledgement of the brilliant work we do as human translators a highly important part of a translators' associations' work.


I would like end on another self-composed – and mediocre at best –poem in praise of you – the translators and interpreters from TAC.


I would like to apologise and thank the brilliant interpreters in the booths! Thank you, I am sorry to throw this at you – all very last minute – but I know you –as brilliant human translators and interpreters – will manage!


Poem in praise oftranslators and interpreters from TAC

On this most momentous day

Let bells peal and flagpoles sway.

Let's raise our gazes and sing the praises

Of the people of TAC in every way.

For you are the ones who make thousands of choices

While lending your readers your very clear voices

Reflecting the cadence and the tone

Of utterances soppy or dry to the bone.

Whether it's text or speech, you do your best

Ask any one of us; it's always a test

Of your envious strengths as you work your magic

On texts highly serious or even most tragic.

Whether connecting nations

Or fostering peace,

You create understanding

You're truly outstanding!

You deserve to be praised

You deserve to be proud!

You deserve a poem to be read out loud!

來源 / 國際譯聯主席凱文·夸克(Kevin Quirk)在新中國翻譯事業70年論壇暨2019中國翻譯協會年會上的致辭

翻譯整理 / 白石