




Stooping, you will be preserved.

Wronged, you will be righted.

Hollow, you will be filled.

Worn out, you will be renewed.

Having little, you may gain;

Having much, you may be at a loss.

So the Sage holds on to one to be the model for the world.

He does not show himself, so he is seen everywhere.

He does not assert himself, so he is well-known.

He does not boast, so he wins success.

He is not proud, so he can lead.

As he contends for nothing, none in the world could contend with him.

Is it not true for the ancients to say,

“Stooping, you will be preserved”?

It is indeed the whole truth to which lead all the ways.





It is natural to speak little.

A wanton wind cannot whisper all the morning; a sudden rain cannot howl all the day long.

Who has made them so?

Heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth cannot speak long, not to speak of man.

Therefore, those who follow the divine law

conform to it; so do those who follow the human law, and those who imitate heaven.

Those who conform to the divine law are welcome to the divine; those who conform to the human law are welcome to the human; those who conform to heaven are welcome to heaven.

Some are not trustworthy enough, some, not at all.





One who stands on tiptoe cannot stand firm; who makes big strides cannot walk long.

One who sees only himself has no good sight; who thinks only himself right cannot be recognized.

One who boasts of himself will not succeed; who thinks himself superior cannot be a leader.

In the light of the divine law such behavior is like superfluous food.

It is disliked by those who follow the divine law.