African student joins China’s battle against novel coronavirus

“I solemnly make a request to the hospital to join the emergency response team.”

On January 29 this year, Zhou Guojin, vice president of People’s Hospital of Jinxian County in east China’s Jiangxi Province, received a special application letter from Leidenham, a Beninese student.

At present, Leidenham is pursuing his master’s degree at Soochow University. He once served as an intern in the Orthopedics Department of People’s Hospital of Jinxian County for three months since January last year.

There, he had a deep friendship with the medical staff. This year, he came back to Jinxian County, which he has already regarded as his second hometown, to celebrate the Spring Festival during the winter holiday. Hearing the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, he volunteered to join the local medical team to fight against the epidemics.

“What I want to do is to do Chinese people a favor. Wuhan, I am there for you!” Leidenham said.

Reporting by Peng Zhaozhi, Wang Kaifeng (Intern), Lei Bosheng

江西进贤:非洲留学生主动“请战” 投身疫情防控一线


