
A full snow moon will be visible in the sky this weekend, but experts disagree about whether or not it's a supermoon.


It will be one of the biggest full moons this year, since the Moon is nearing the closest point to Earth in its orbit.


But there's no official definition for a supermoon.


Astrologer Richard Nolle, who coined the term, and TimeandDate.com say that this is not a supermoon.

创造这个词的占星家Richard Nolle和TimeandDate.com说这不是超级月亮。

Astronomer Fred Espenak disagrees, however.

然而,天文学家Fred Espenak不同意这一观点。

A snow moon is simply the name for the full moon that falls in the month of February.


This particular snow moon will hang in the sky Friday evening through Monday morning, though it will appear largest at 02.33 ET (07.33 UTC).


Across North America and Europe, people have used full moons to track months and seasons for thousands of years, naming each one based on the seasonal changes it indicates.


The names assigned to full moons are often attributed to the native Algonquian peoples, who share a family of languages and originate from the area that today ranges from New England as far west as Lake Superior.


Colonial settlers across North America adopted their own version of the indigenous names, according to The Old Farmer's Almanac.


Different languages and cultures characterized the Moon differently, sometimes based on agricultural cycles, sometimes on natural phenomena.


Here are some of the many names assigned to full moons throughout the year.


Supermoons occur is when the Moon is at perigee - its closest point to Earth.


They can cause stronger ocean tides and weather events.


Micromoons are the opposite, occurring at apogee - when the Moon is furthest from Earth.


They can reduce the variation in spring tides by 2 inches (5 centimetres).
