A letter to all investors













English version below

Invest Guangzhou

19th Feb 2020

A letter to all investors

—— Join hands with each other and strive for development!

Dear investors and friends,

Thank you for your long-term attention and continuous support for Guangzhou's economic development. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia), we have been deeply concerned about our entrepreneurs and friends. We would like to extend our sincere greetings to you, your family and company employees!

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the Chinese government has its people's lives and health in the first place and taken effective measures to curb the spread of virus. Guangzhou government has also been fully implementing various prevention and control measures. Meanwhile, we are also actively helping our companies to resume production and operation. We are fully confident that we will win the battle and are determined to do so.

The epidemic has prevented us from going out to attract investment, restricted project investigations and affected operation of enterprises to a certain extent. However, it has neither reduced our confidence in promoting investment nor lowered our determination to serve our enterprises. The whole staff of Invest Guangzhou are always “online” to make all-out efforts to provide investment service. Our WeChat subscribe account will continuously release latest information to help investors to implement their investment strategy and plans.

Distress rejuvenates a nation. There will be a rainbow after the storm. We look forward to meeting you in Guangzhou, where flowers bloom after the epidemic. We wish your business more prosperous, and hope that more friends will come to Guangzhou, invest in Guangzhou, and share unlimited development opportunities with Guangzhou! We firmly believe that, with the joint effort between us, Guangzhou, the fertile land for investment, will become even better!

Please feel free to contact us if you need the latest and most authoritative investment information in Guangzhou.

Contact: Ms. Lin Yizhu, Ms. Li Rong

Service Hotline: 13570383307, 13533409452

Email: jess@investguangzhou.gov.cn, annie@investguangzhou.gov.cn