

Racine lends himself to several languages: psychoanalytic, existential, tragic, psychological (others can be invented, others will be invented); none is innocent. But to acknowledge this incapacity to tell the truth about Racine is precisely to acknowledge, at last, the special status of literature. It lies in a paradox: literature is that ensemble of objects and rules, techniques and works, whose function in the general economy of our society is precisely to institutionalise subjectivity. To follow this movement, the critic must himself become paradoxical, must lay the fatal bet and talk about Racine in one way and not in another: he too belongs to literature.

拉辛 將自己借給幾種語言:精神分析、存在、悲劇、心理(其他語言可以發明,其他人將被髮明);沒有人是無辜的。但是,承認這種沒有能力說出關於拉辛的真相,恰恰是為了最終承認文學的特殊地位。它存在於一個悖論中:文學是對象、規則、技術和作品的一體,其作用正是在我們社會一般經濟中,正是將主體性制度化。要追隨這個運動,批評家必須自己變得自相矛盾,必須下致命賭注,用一種方式而不是用另一種方式談論拉辛:他也屬於文學。

In this passage, which occurs toward the end of his essay ‘History or literature?’, Barthes prepares the ground for finally specifying the distinction between two approaches to literature which it had been his concern, in the preceding pages, to disentangle: the history of literature, concerned with literature as an institution, and criticism, concerned with literature as a creation. With regard to the former, Barthes argues that literary history, properly conceived and executed, should concern itself with the examination of literary functions—of production, communication, consumption—and their determining institutional conditions. ‘In other words,’ as he puts it, ‘literary history is possible only if it becomes sociological, if it is concerned with activities and institutions, not with individuals.’ When posed in this way— historically, institutionally, functionally—the question of literature’s being is radically transformed. For a historical ontology literature, Barthes contends, dissolves its object. ‘Now literature very being,’ he writes, ‘when restored to history, is no longer a being.’ Its place is occupied by a series of dispersed and historically variable functions which exceed the compass of any and all conceptions of literature as an eternity imbued with an unchanging being of its own. From the point of view of these concerns, the study of literature becomes ‘the study of techniques, rules, rites and collective mentalities’.


If, however, one takes up the position of the critic inside literature—if, as Barthes puts it, ‘one wants to install oneself inside Racine…to speak, even if only a word, about the Racinian self’— then one must expect to see ‘the most prudent critic reveal himself as an utterly subjective, utterly historical being’. For the critic who takes up such a position, there is no truth of literature to be said but merely different ways of speaking about literature within the regimes for the institutionalisation of subjectivity of which criticism forms a part. Two approaches to literature, then: one which occupies a place within the space of the literary and which works with it as a terrain of practices implicated in the formation of subjectivities, and a second, adopting a position outside literature in order to write its history as a history of functions, rules, techniques and institutions—in short, a history like any other, a history of surfaces without any hidden depths or secreted interiors to fathom. Perhaps, however, the delineation of these two approaches is not —cannot be—quite so clear as Barthes pretends, and not least because it has a discomfortingly familiar ring about it. For Barthes’s formulation bears a striking resemblance to the mutually tolerable division of labour that is often proposed for the relations between criticism and the sociology of literature. The latter is often freely granted sovereignty over what criticism typically construes as the sociological penumbra of literary production (the organisation of literary markets, the structure of the literary profession, and so forth). Yet this is usually at the price of being called on to concede that such considerations bear only tangentially on the ‘real stuff’ of literature where, accordingly, criticism retains an undisputed monopoly. The more compelling difficulty, however, is that any construction of an inside/outside polarity in relation to literature can too easily be deconstructed.

