BBC語法課 17 Will 的用法

Hello and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! I'm your host, Will!

大家好,歡迎來到今天的語法脫口秀!我是主持人 WIll!

Will Will be willing to let you win? All will be revealed.

Will 今天會心甘情願讓你們贏嗎?一切將被揭曉。

And of course let's not forget Leslie, our all-knowing voice in the sky. Hello, everyone!

當然,別忘了我們 Leslie,我們無所不知的空中聲音。大家好!

Tonight we're going to ask you three questions about… Will!


That little modal verb that does so much! It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!


Now, let's meet our contestants! Hello, all. I'm James.

現在,有請我們的參賽者!大家好,我是 James。

And contestant number two? It's nice to meet you. I'm Frank.

二號選手呢?很高興見到大家,我是 Frank。

James and Frank? Oh dear. It's my birthday and what I say goes!

James 和 Frank?噢,親愛的,今天是我的生日,我說了算!

Well… more than usual anyway! So now you're William, and you can be Wilfred!

好吧……不管怎麼樣,反正多於往常!那麼現在,你就叫 William,那你叫 Wilfred!

Hey! You can't do that! I love being called James!

嗨,你不能這麼做!我喜歡被叫 James!

Quiet, William! You know, you remind me a lot of my uncle Wilbert.

安靜,William!你知道嗎,你讓我想起了很多關於我叔叔 Wilbert 的事情。

Why? Did he stand up for himself too? Oh no.


He mysteriously disappeared! How about you Wilfred?


Any problems? Not here!


Good! Now that we're all ready, let's have our first question.


Like myself, the modal verb "will" is a useful thing to have around. Have a look at these sentences and tell me what each use of "will" is.

就像我自己一樣,情態動詞 “will” 用途非常廣。看這些句子,然後告訴我 “will” 的每個用法。

Who wants to go first? I will!


No, I will! No, I will!


No. . . I will!


Guys, guys, guys! You've got it all wrong!


I Will. You William.

我才是 Will。你是 WIlliam。

You Wilfred! But if you can't decide, we'll use the buzzers.

你是 Wilfred!不過如果你們決定不了的話,我們就用搶答器吧。

Here we go. It will rain tomorrow.


That's "will" as a future auxiliary verb for a prediction.Correct!

這裡的 “will” 是表示預測將來的助動詞。正確!

I'll have orange juice please. That's "will" used for a decision made at the moment of speaking.

我要橙汁,謝謝。這裡的 “will” 表示在講話的時候做出的決定。

Correct! Thanks for your help. I'll pay you back on Friday.


That's "will" used for a promise. Correct!

這裡的 “will” 表示承諾。正確!

Are you hungry? I'll make you a sandwich. That's "will" used as an offer to do something.

你餓嗎?我給你做一個三明治。這裡的 “will” 表示提議做某事。

Correct! I'll kill you for this!

正確!我會因為這個 “殺” 了你!

That's "will" used for a threat. Correct!

這裡的 “will” 表示威脅。正確!

Leslie? Well done.


"Will" is a modal auxiliary verb, which means it's always followed by a bare infinitive and doesn't change to show person or time. It has many uses including future predictions, future intentions, instant decisions, promises, threats, and offers to help, among others.

“Will” 是一個情態助動詞,也就是說,它的後面接的是省略 “to” 的不定式,而且不需要根據人稱時態變化。它有很多用法,包括對將來的打算,瞬間的決定,承諾,威脅,提供幫助,等等。

Good job both of you. Have forty-seven -ty-six points.


On to round two. True or false:


In the same way as the present simple, "will" can be used to describe present habits and routines. True!

和一般現在時一樣,“will” 可以用來描述現在的習慣和日常。正確!

It is true! Can you give me an example?


I've heard that people will often not come home from this show. And if anyone's going to disappear, I would much rather it be James.

我聽說人們通常不能從這個節目裡脫身回家。如果有人會消失不見,我寧願是 James。

William! William! Of course! Of course!

是 William,William!當然!當然!

Leslie? Well done, Wilfred!


"Will" can be used to describe present habits and typical behavior, just like the present simple. I'll kill you for that!

“Will” 可以用來描述現在的習慣,以及典型行為,就像一般現在時一樣。我會為此 “殺” 了你!

Excellent use of "will" for a threat, but minus ten points for going to the dark side on my birthday… just like Uncle Wilber! He was a bit of a wet blanket too. . . at first.

這是 “will” 表示威脅的一個很棒的例子,但是鑑於這是陰暗面的,所以扣十分,在我生日當天……就像 Wilber 叔叔一樣!他也是有點兒讓人掃興……一開始的時候。

Wilfred, twelve points for you. Our final question, then.

Wilfred,給你 12 分。然後進入最後一題。

In some ways, "shall" can be used as a substitute for "will", but there are a few rules about its use. Give me three of them.

在某些情況下,“shall” 可以用來替代 “will”,但是這種用法有一些規則。說出其中三個。

We only really use "shall" with "I" and "we". Correct!

我們只用 “shall” 和 “I” 或者 “we” 搭配。正確!

That's one. You can use "shall" to ask someone's opinion when making an offer.

這是一個。你可以用 “shall” 來問某人的意見,當你提議的時候。

For example: Shall I open the window?


Well done. One more. The response to a question with "shall we" is "let's" or "let's not".

非常好,又一個。關於 “shall we” 提問的回答要用 “let's” 或者 “let's not”。

Leslie? Good stuff.


"Shall" can be used to ask for advice and make suggestions and offers. However, "shall" is usually only used with the pronouns "I" or "we".

“Shall” 可以用來徵求意見,也可以用來提出建議或要約。然而,“shall” 通常只與代詞 “I” 或者 “we” 連用。

A common response to a suggestion with "shall we" is "let's". "Shall" is a little bit formal and a bit old-fashioned, but it has its place!

對於以 “shall we” 開頭的建議,要用 “let's” 來回答。“Shall” 會比較正式一點兒,也有點兒過時,但它有它的用法!

Just like you, Leslie! Trapped for all eternity wherever you are!


Excellent. Three points to William.

優秀。給 William 三分。

And that brings us to the end of today's Grammar Gameshow. But before we go. . . let's play a party game!


It's my birthday after all. How about. . . musical podiums?


I'll play some music and you two switch places. When the music stops, we'll know who the winner is!


Are you ready? Go!


Oh, I neglected to nominate which podium would lose. Oh, well!


Release the seagulls. And the winner is. . . me!


Oh, Leslie, what do I win? It's a birthday cake.


Oh, Leslie! I thought you'd forgotten.


You really are a true friend. Does that mean you'll invite me to your party?


But, that means I'd have to let you out of your box in the sky. I've invited your family though!


Say goodbye, Leslie. An nyeong hee ge se yo, Leslie.


See you next time.
