02.26 “螺絲釘”建築——Triodos銀行辦公樓


Triodos Bank / RAU Architects
來自建築事務所的描述:RAU Architects事務所與Ex Interiors事務所聯合設計了一座木製“教堂”。在9月6日,這座全新的可持續循環銀行辦公樓正式交付使用。RAU Architects事務所與Ex Interiors事務所接受Triodos銀行和開發商EDGE的委託,設計這座木製“教堂”,客戶希望以可持續循環的方式作為基本設計理念。因此這座辦公樓也是第一座大規模100%木材的可重建辦公建築,同時它也是第一座當代臨時材料銀行,其碳足跡很小。
Text description provided by the architects. RAU Architects and Ex Interiors build a wooden 'cathedral’. The fully reconstructible Triodos Bank office is taking world firsts
Friday 6 September, Triodos Bank's new, fully sustainable and circular office was officially delivered to the bank. RAU Architects and Ex Interiors have been commissioned by Triodos Bank and developer EDGE to design a fully reconstructible, wooden "cathedral" that sets the tone in a circular and sustainable manner worldwide. The office is the first large-scale, 100% wood, reconstructible office building. This building also serves as the first temporary material bank, and the CO2 footprint is minimal.

這座建築為五層,面積為12994平方米,設計靈感來源於自然、周邊景觀、飛行的蝙蝠。三個透明統一的體量由南至北連接著地面層、一層,以及二層。建築空間給使用者帶來了寬闊的景觀視野。建築師通過建築的形態與體量,在森林的邊緣和建築之間設計了三間全新的“景觀用房”,構成了完整的景觀體系。建築的室內空間由Ex Interiors事務所設計,進一步地體現了周邊的景觀美學理念。
The composition and form of the five-story building (12,994 m2) are inspired by nature, the rhythm of the landscaped rooms in the surrounding estate and the flight paths of bats. The three transparent, uniform towers run from south to north and are alternately connected on the ground, first and second floors. This physical body provides a beautiful view for all employees daily. Because of its shape, three new "landscape rooms" are created between the edge of the forest and the building and create a diversity of new landscape qualities around it. The interior designed by Ex Interiors further reflects the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Triodos銀行辦公樓位於Zeist的De Reehorst莊園,這裡屬於Zeist與 Driebergen的鄉村地區,同時也是國家生態網絡(EHS)的重要組成部分。在2011年,Triodos銀行希望能夠在這裡設置一座辦公樓,RAU Architecten事務所從1999年至2006年與其都有著項目合作,而在這個項目中,該事務所同時與Ex Interiors工作室進行了協作。
The new office of Triodos Bank is located on De Reehorst Estate in Zeist. De Reehorst is part of a series of rural areas in Zeist and Driebergen and is an important link within the National Ecological Network (EHS). In 2011, Triodos Bank decided to build a new office in De Reehorst. Following earlier high-profile (head) offices from 1999 and 2006, RAU Architecten also designed this new office in collaboration with Ex Interiors.

在該項目中,建築師也與諸如Aronsohn construction、Deerns consultants、DGMR,、BBN、景觀設計、施工公司Arcadis J.P. van Eesteren等機構合作,通過設計的方式,給建築帶來了最大的可持續發展潛力,同時在自然、文化、經濟之間構成動態平衡。該銀行辦公樓有著21世紀的風格特徵。這座建築全部由獨特的木材結構建造而成,木地板、木材核心筒、木材支柱共同構成了一座“教堂”。
The aim was to achieve a "gesamtkunstwerk" in which, from day one, there was optimal cooperation with all other advisers such as Aronsohn construction, Deerns consultants, DGMR, BBN, landscape architects, and construction company Arcadis J.P. van Eesteren and its subcontractors. By giving the design maximum circular potential, a dynamic balance is created between nature, culture, and economy. The arrival of Triodos Bank has led to new momentum to bring the estate into the 21st century. The entire building, both the lower parts and the towers, consisting of unique wooden construction. Wooden floors, wooden shafts, and wooden columns together form a spectacular construction like that of a "cathedral".

RAU Architects事務所通過圓形的建築體量構成產品、組件、材質的組合,各個部件以及材質的選用都經過了深思熟慮,目的是在未來充滿地發揮它們的作用。客戶的使用需求、建築的構件使用週期、外部因素的存在都會給建築點來影響,因此建築師儘可能地考慮到各種變化。這座建築應用了165,312個螺絲固定組合起來,那麼當這座建築在未來拆除的時候,能夠做到各個部件的100%循環利用,保留每個部分的內在價值。
RAU Architects sees a circular building as a temporary combination of products, components, and materials with a documented identity. The origin and planned re-use of all products, components, and materials are carefully documented in order to be able to easily offer them new usage in the future. It is important to anticipate possible changes as far as possible when designing buildings due to changes in user requirements, differences in the useful life of building components or external influences such as changing regulations or climate change. The building is literally screwed together with 165,312 screws. This means that whenever dismantling the building, the circular potential can be activated 100% without loss of value of materials, components, and products.

建築設計:RAU Architects
主創建築師:Thomas Rau, Peter Klaassen, Erik Mulder, Robin Hurts, Dennis Grootenboer, Vincent Valentijn, Michael Noordam, Jochem Alfrink
面積:12994.0 m2
攝影:Bert Rietberg, Ossip van Duivenbode
製造商:Aesy Liften, De Groot Vroomshoop, Derix, GRAPHISOFT, Guardian Glass, Harry van Interieurbouw, Hunter Douglas Architectural, Rockfon, Saint Gobain, GEZE, Boon Edam, Schuco, Luxaflex
主建築師:Lead Architects:Thomas Rau, Peter Klaassen, Erik Mulder, Robin Hurts, Dennis Grootenboer, Vincent Valentijn, Michael Noordam, Jochem Alfrink
客戶:Triodos Bank Nederland, EDGE

顧問:BBN adviseurs voor huisvestingsadvies, Deerns, Aronsohn, dGmr
合作方:Ex Interiors, J.P. Van Eesteren, Bosman Bedrijven, JOIN, OVG Real Estate
Architects: RAU Architects
Area: 12994.0 m2
Year: 2019
Photographs: Bert Rietberg, Ossip van Duivenbode
Manufacturers: Aesy Liften, De Groot Vroomshoop, Derix, GRAPHISOFT, Guardian Glass, Harry van Interieurbouw, Hunter Douglas Architectural, Rockfon, Saint Gobain, GEZE, Boon Edam, Schuco, Luxaflex
Lead Architects:Thomas Rau, Peter Klaassen, Erik Mulder, Robin Hurts, Dennis Grootenboer, Vincent Valentijn, Michael Noordam, Jochem Alfrink
Clients: Triodos Bank Nederland, EDGE
Landscape: Arcadis
Consultants: BBN adviseurs voor huisvestingsadvies, Deerns, Aronsohn, dGmr
Collaborators: Ex Interiors, J.P. Van Eesteren, Bosman Bedrijven, JOIN, OVG Real Estate