05.13 動詞不定式的英語語法講解,這個是最詳細的!


1, 作主語:

To read English aloud is very important 大聲朗讀英語是很重要的

It's very important to read English aloud 大聲朗讀英語是很重要的。

2, 作賓語:

I want to play football 我想要踢足球。

I find it easy to study English 我發現學習英語是很容易的。

3, 作表語:

My plan is to study English well 我的計劃就是把英語學好。

4, 作定語:

I must find a man to talk 我必須找到一個人去聊天

I have nothing to do 我沒有可以做的事情。


We did a lot of work just to improve our abilities


He got up early that day , only to be told that it's Saturday

5, 作補語:

He asked me to do homework 他叫我去寫作業

He was asked to finish the work 他被叫去完成這個工作。


1, 做主語: How to study English well is so important 如何把英語學好是很重要的。

2, 做表語:My question is how to find it 我的問題就是如何找到它。

3, 做賓語:If you want to know what to eat,you must have a menu 如果你想要知道吃什麼?你必須有一個菜單。

He is worrying about where to go 他正在擔心去哪裡


You seems to play football well


You seems to be playing football very happily on the playground


You seems to have played football for two hours



主動: It is great for me to play football every day 每天踢足球對我來說是很好的

被動: It's great for me to be invited at your party 對我來說是很好的在你的聚會上被邀請。