11.20 世紀收藏網:金畫浮雕五牛圖賞析


The five cows depicted in the " Five Cattle Map" are dynamic in their manner, either standing or standing, or bowing or holding their heads high. What is valuable is that there is no background background background on the picture, and the painting is entirely based on cattle. If you do not have a careful observation of cattle and have full confidence in the modeling of cattle, you will not dare to involve this painting risk. Although the outline of the lines of the cattle is simple, the bones and muscles drawn are very well turned, and the bright eyes reflect the gentle and stubborn character of the cattle. In the era of encouraging farming, painting with cattle has a very important meaning.


Following the custom of Chinese scroll painting from right to left, five cows appeared in a row and seemed to walk slowly on the ridge. The first cow on the right bit a clump of grass along the road and chewed it with relish. It looked proudly at the viewer with its head on its low side, revealing a look of contentment. The second bull raised his head to look forward and sped up his pace, as if to catch up with his partner in front of him. However, the third cow stood squarely in the center of the picture. It faced the audience and opened its mouth to " moo" as if it were calling its front and back companions and questioning the way and direction ahead. The fourth cow is walking backwards and forwards. Looking back, it gasps, hesitates and shows a look of surprise in its eyes with its tongue half outstretched and its lower mouth licked. The last fifth cow, wearing a nose ring and wearing a tassel, walked slowly toward the world outside the painting with an unusually solemn look. Each of the five cows can be mapped independently and can be connected end to end, looking forward and looking forward to each other to form a unified whole. The whole work is completely based on cattle, with no background background, accurate and vivid shapes, light colors, primitive simplicity, different shades of rendering, and rich levels of pictures. It has reached the realm of combining form with spirit and deserves to be regarded as a god in the history of Chinese painting.


At present, there is a picture of " Five Ox Charts" displayed on the famous domestic art website, Century Collection. This picture is made of gold foil reliefs and can be decorated for viewing. This picture outlines the skeleton transition of cattle with simple lines, wrapped with tendons and meat, like nature itself. The lines are elastic, accurate and strong in artistic expression. The " Five Cattle" means Pioneer Cattle, Lucky Cattle, Lucky Cattle, Prosperous Family and Ruyi Cattle. Cattle, in our traditional culture, have the meaning of health, happiness, good luck, health, recreation, abundance of food and clothing. This collection of paintings at home will surely bring you and your family five blessings and all the best luck!