03.06 菁晨用户服务报告 Customer Service Report



( 100% renewal in Jan and Feb)


Though many startups tighten their finance because of Coronavirus, we are happy to see that, in Jan and Feb, the renewal ratio of StartupCare is 100%. And many founders hope to increase accident insurance coverage. Also we got another several new clients, cheers! Let’s energize the team together in the special time.



(New tools for training and management)


In order to help HR to improve the management of their group health insurance, StartupCare is going to launch a new tool to supercharge your health insurance administration。Managers and HR can get a cooler experience, and help staff to clear what benefit they can get from the insurance and be sure not miss it. You will find it soon.



(nCov orientation guide is hot)


Since we launched the nCov orientation guide, the visitors were six times as much as before, fever clinic and designated hospital is the most popular. We also cooperate with the human resources service platform and the entry-exit management department, to provide foreigners in China with hospital recommendation, pre-treatment consultation and guidance services, help them to get over the language barriers, and timely access to first-hand epidemic news.



(User observation)



Most startups choose outpatient as a must and priority.

Meanwhile, according to our market research, products that cover the risk of death and critical disease are becoming new focus of SMEs. The top 2 popular healthcare service for HR is online doctor booking and psychological counseling. Nearly half HR think that easy tools and quick process are more important than price.