02.18 外贸谈判陷入困境,如何跟进客户


Dear XXX,

Thanks a lot for your information.

Do you mean you already have a good supplier,or actually you are open to a good alternative supplier,however you do not have a purchasing plan shortly?

When we have new competitive development,do you want to be updated?

Best regards


Dear XXX,

Hope you have a good night!

Attached pls find the new PI with EGO bliser and CE4 atomizer.

May i ask you a question?Just curious.

Except EGO and CE4,do you have a market for the twist and voltage ecigs?

I am asking as these are becoming the mainstream in the USA market.Companies like Vape USA and High Cigs launched these products years ago,and the sales volumes are big.Maybe they are worthy of your attention.

Certainly you know your market much better than me.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

It's very nice talking with you on XXX.

As talked on phone,will you please send me more information of your product needs?

So i will work out a best price for you soon.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Thanks a lot for your inquiry.

Unfortunately XXX produce is out of our product range.However,i have a friend who is producing this item.His contact information is:



Please contact him driectly.I will also ask him to quote you the most favorable price.

When you have needs on XXX products,please remember ,i can be of good help.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Good morning!

I am Daniel from XXX company,who will follow up your bussiness from now on,as Lisa has left our company for maternity.Very nice to have this chance to serve you,and i will try my best to meet your requirements.

When you have new inquiries,please tell me.I will work out the best price to you.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Thanks for letting me know that.Wish you good luck.

Do you want to pull all eggs in one basket?We are not as big,but still very reliable manufacturer.We do not mind to be your safe backup factory.how do you think of giving your lions' share order to that supplier,and let us help you with a smaller portion of your order?

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

I fully understand that you are not able to sell this iron stand.It is a pity that we are not told before when the PI is confirmed.Now it is too late to cancel.We have already produced the item.And actually the iron pedestals are ordered from wrought iron producer.We have already paid them.It will be very cos tly to cancel it.

I would very much appreciate your kind understanding.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Thanks a lot for your email on Jan.5th.

I have recalled our correspondence ,and found that i was told to produce them as XXX.

Will you please check the attached email dated on XXX?

Best regards


Dear XXX,

Many thanks for your follow up for the logo.I have passed your information to our production manger while i got your email the other day.And i just called him this morning,and was told that all our productions are based on XXX logo except two exceptions:

Customer has his own design and requires us to produce;

If customers need only a couple of designs,and the order quantity for each SKU is more than 200 pcs.(Normally only the DIY chains work like this )

Can you provide us your own design?And what is your order quantity per SKU?

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Thanks for your email.

I fully understand that you have to be 100% sure about a new supplier before you start your batch order.I've talked hard with our production manager on this.The question is that now we are not producing this model,and to alter a shift to produce 500 pcs of XXX is quite costly.So if you can work with 1000 pcs,it will be help us a lot for reducing the cost.

Meantime, please be very sure about our quality.If the goods arrive at you with any defects, we will return the money to you.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

Regarding the shipment of order XXX, we have already booked the shipping line on XXXX date.

Will you please BUY THE INSURANCE for this order from the forwarder.Since it is not a FCL, the forwarder has rejected our request to send the container to load by ourselves in the factory.Though we have sticked"handle with care" with much caution,we are still afraid of the salvage discharge and loading on the port.To protect yourself,please buy insurance to avoid the damage loss.

Best regards


Dear XXX,

Thanks for your email.

Pls let me explain why we are not able to declare coustoms outside of Shanghai.

The forwarder ourside of Shanghai charges us too much for the expenses.Actually,a couple of years ago,we have a few cases,the final shipping charges is more than the goods itself,ie,even we give out of goods for free,we still need to pay more for the shipping charges.Then our BOD had a meeting,and decided not ship outside Shanghai anymore.It is a red line of our company,even our General Manager cannot change it.

I would very much appreciate your kind understanding.

Meantime,for your case,we would like to consider taking the inland shipping cost from Shanghai to XXX.

Best regards.

达不到起订量,收客户handing fee,客户不愿意

Dear XXX,

Regarding the small quantity handing fees, may i have a clarification?

The loading port charges from forwarder is very high for smaller orders.In the past,we have a few cases,the charges are more than the goods itself,ie,we give all the goods for free,we still need to pay for the charges.So for orders less than US$5000,we have a handing fee of US$150 to cover the charges partially.

I would very much appreciate your kind understanding on this.

Best regards.


Dear XXX,

I will much appreciate your kind understanding,that we were only able to start production on XXXX.I was really frustrated,the confirmation of XXX is really slow,though i have kept pushing...


Dear XXX,

On XXX, you've set an order to us,and i have sent you the PI on XXX.Sine then,i did not recevie your reply.Is it because anything we do wrong & offend you?If so,please tell me,so i can improve.We treasure you much as a very valuable customer,and respect you much.

Best regards


Dear XXX,

Hope everything is fine for you.

I have sent you a couple of emails,and not receiving your reply.Not very sure whether my email can reach you.Will you please reply this email,so i know i can still reach you by email?

Best regards


Dear XXX,

Did you receive my last email dated XXX,sending you the PI?

Best regards



I hope you are doing good.

Have you got any new orders?Pls keep me posted if yes, i will send you our updated price for your review.

Best regards