
Module 2 Experiences

Unit 1 I’ve also entered lots of speaking competitions.


1. 知識目標:能夠正確使用 ever, dream, afford, invite 等單詞。


2. 能力目標:能用現在完成時來詢問和表達經歷。

3. 情感目標:瞭解西方人熱衷旅行,追求自由的個性。


1. 重點:能描述多種愛好。 能諮詢他人愛好,介紹自己的愛好。


2. 難點:能描述多種愛好。 能諮詢他人愛好,介紹自己的愛好。

【學習步驟】 :

一、 課前預習【自主學習】


1. think 2. travel

3. win 4. enter

5. watch 6. want


1. enter a competition A. 看日出

2. your dream B. 考慮;思考

3. watch the sun rise C. 參加比賽

4. the price for the ticket D. 你的夢想

5. the first prize E. 票的價格

6. think about F. 一等獎

二、課堂學習過程 【合作探究】

Step 1. Warm up

Answer the questions with you partner.

1. Have you ever entered a competition?

2. Have you ever travelled by plane?

3. Have you ever travelled by plane?

4. Have you ever seen a film?

Step 2. Listen and number the words.

Step 3. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1. Lingling has visited / hasn’t ever visited the US.

2. Betty has asked / hasn’t asked her parents.

3. Lingling has travelled / hasn’t travelled by plane.

Step4. 讀對話找出現在完成時的句子。


Step 5. Listen to the tape and Now check (√) what Lingling and Tony have or have not done.

Step 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

1. Her _______ was to study at a good university one day.

2. When I was in school, I won many ______ for my writing.

3. You must enter the music ___________! You will beat everybody.

4. My family cannot ______ to buy a ticket for the match.

5. It is a(n) _____ that you did not come to see the film with us.

6. John ________ his new friends to his birthday party last week.


(一)、 Have you ever won any prizes before? 你以前曾經贏得過獎項嗎?

● 現在完成時中謂語的構成

本句用現在完成時態。 have won 是本句的謂語。 現在完成時謂語部分的構成是:助動詞 have/ has+動詞的過去分詞。 助動詞說明該謂語屬於現在時的範圍,它和主語的人稱、數要保持一致;過去分詞是主要的謂語動詞,說明句子的意義。

例如:We have arrived at the airport. 我們已經到達機場了。

● ever 曾經;從來

ever 用作副詞,意為“曾經;從來;在任何時候在句中用以加強語氣。

例如:Does she ever go out at night? 她什麼時候晚上外出嗎?

ever 用於疑問句中時,其答語不用 ever,若否定則用never。

例如:—Have you ever heard the song? 你曾經聽過這首歌嗎?

—Yes, I have. / No, never. 是的,我聽過。 / 不,我從未聽過。



1. Jane __ . I’m waiting for her.

A. came back B. has come back

C. hasn’t come back


1. 我已經把那些照片寄給他了。

I __ those photos to him.

2. 玲玲曾經參加過很多比賽。

Lingling has __ lots of competitions.

(二)、 I’ve always wanted to go on a dream holiday. 我總是想度過一個夢寐以求的假期。

● dream “夢;夢寐以求的“

此處的 dream 是形容詞,意為“夢寐以求的”,用來修飾名詞。

● dream 也可作名詞,意為“夢;夢想”。

例如:This is my dream job.這是我夢寐以求的工作。

He had a dream about Claire. 他夢見了克萊爾。

● dream 也可作動詞,意為“做夢;夢到;夢想冶。 常與介詞 about 或 of 連用。 其過去式和過去分詞分別是:dreamed/dreamt; dreamed/ dreamt。

例如:She dreamed about her baby. 她夢見了她的寶寶。



1. 那就是他夢寐以求的車。

That is his __ car.

2. 我兒子夢想著長大後成為一名宇航員。

My son __ becoming a pilot when he grows up.

(三). But I can’t afford it. 但是我負擔不起它。

● afford(有財力)買得起;付得起

afford 是動詞,意為“(有財力)買得起;付得起冶”,其後可直接跟名詞或代詞作賓語。

例如:The car is very beautiful. But it’s too expensive. I can’t afford it.

這輛車很漂亮。 但是它太貴了。 我買不起。

● afford 也可跟動詞不定式,即:afford to do sth. “負擔得起做某事冶”。 afford 常常和情態動詞 can’t 和 couldn’t 連用,用在否定句中。

例如:His mother is out of work. She can’t afford to pay for his education. 他的母親失業了。 她負擔不起他受教育的費用。



He is very poor. He can’t a __ to buy the beautiful pencil box.

(四). I’ve stopped trying now. 我現在已經不再嘗試了。

● stop doing sth. 停止做某事

例如:The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那兩個女孩一見到我就停止了講話。

● stop to do sth. 是“停下來開始做某事冶,to do 是 stop 的狀語,表示目的,是要開始做的事情。

例如:The two girls stopped to talk to me when they saw me.這兩個女孩一看到我就停下來和我講話。



1. All the students stopped __ when the teacher came in.

A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks

(五) --- then I will invite you to come with me. -那麼我就會邀請你和我一起去。

● invite “邀請” 是動詞,其後可直接跟賓語。 invite sb. to do sth. 表示“邀請某人去做某事“。

例如:They invited me to join their club. 他們邀請我加入他們的俱樂部。

● invite 的其他結構有:invite sb. to sth. 或 invite sb. forsth. “邀請某人去參加某項活動冶。 另外,invite 的名詞形式是invitation。

例如:He invites us for the concert. 他邀請我們去聽音樂會。


用 invite 的適當形式完成句子

1. I have received his __ . I will go to his party this afternoon.

2. For the welcome meeting, we have ___ many important people in the city.