动静Headline丨Guizhou’s Big Data Industry is Changing


Hello, this is Hao from Guizhou TV station. I am here to share with you my observations on changes happening in China and Guizhou.


Two days ago, I visited Aerospace Electrical Appliances, a company producing electronic components for aerospace equipment and being involved in many major national projects. Due to the epidemics, the production of the company had been suspended for weeks and has only found its resuming recently. And this is what I saw in the plant.


There are around 10 people working on the production line with the help of big-data supported machines, improving the producing efficiency by 50%, which not only meets the need of epidemic prevention, but a smooth production resuming.


We have set our data models based on our production and management, which improves our producing efficiency and managing benefits.With supports of Guizhou's big data policies, we will try to reach a revenue of 4.2billion Yuanthis year.


Besides Aerospace Electrical Appliances, I also visited some other industrial enterprises and agricultural enterprises and I found digitalization and intelligentization are developing faster and faster in Guizhou, which even helps the prevention of coronavirus.Last year, more than 2000 real economy enterprises found their ways of using big data. In Guizhou, what we could only see in movies is now changing people's lives in reality.


I am Hao. See you next time.