日常出行防护大全(第一部分)Transport tips during COVID-19 outbr


Transport tips during COVID-19 outbreak (Part 1)

1. 乘坐公交、地铁该如何做好防护?

1. How to protect against coronavirus on buses and subways?


(1) Minimize contacts with the seat, handrail, door, or pole on the transportation vehicle. If you have touched any of those items, do not touch your mouth, eyes, or nose afterwards.


(2) Stay one meter away from other passengers and line up to board the vehicle.


(3) Keep the bus well-ventilated with windows open.


(4) Do not eat on the public transport.

2. 乘出租车要注意什么?

2. How to protect against coronavirus on a taxi?


(1) Keep your face mask on and remind the driver to wear one.


(2) Open the car door for fresh air before getting into it.


(3) Carry around hand rubs or alcohol wipes.


(4) Disinfect the areas with sanitizing wipes before siting on or touching them.


(5) Do not eat inside the car.
