又要去加班 Work overtime again


How are you ,everyone.the workshop have plenty of jobs rencently, of course ,there are some objective reasons as well as subjective excuses.fristly,there are old and shabby equipmemts,secondly,the new employee /workers are not familar with the old and renewed facilites at the moment,although they have been trained for one or two weeks ,but the effects of trainning is very negtive ,the new recuit do not fully understand /grasp the main/important expertise ,they are vugar for workshop ,be afraid of being confused by complicated trainning as a apprentice/trainee.if it looks like this effect ,not proficient for his position and operation,easy to evolve into instances,and causing failure of equipments, thridly,now it is rainning season ,the local is not resposible for his duties on work ,became derelict/negligent of his duties ,just stay at operator room ,seating and playing games in their smart phone.so make it easy to hance the frequencies of equipments failure, but the last reason is that international phneumonia virus ,the domestic chinese can not come to this country,so the workpower is lack/short/scarce of requirement,it means that our chinese singlelatral energy is very compact and limited/infinite,so offen asked us to work overtime,sometime it is requirment of boss,sometime it is called by local forman,generally,work overtime again.


I was at dinner yersterday afternoon when knocked off the work,suddenly ,boss called me one equipmemt shut down ,need to have a check,so i rechanged my workwear and high cut shoes ,walking to my deatination straightly without any honver/hesitation on the road,by the way,it would take your one quarter hour to arrive at that place.but if you seleted a vechile,just need a few minutes totaily.i got full body sweat when i went there .i found that motor coubld be rebooted/started very well.the only question was that the bolts used to fastened foundation of motor were slack/loose ,the vibration of motor was very serious and rampant/arrogant ,so the operators reported to boss.if the fitters fastened well at the begninning ,it did not happen that day .meanwhile the bolts qualities are not strong enough so that it could not resist /boycott/countersct the vibration ,so it was easy to causing the bolts loose/slack. after finished fastening ,restarted motor ,it procured success ,test current it was right. went back to go on with my dinner but it has been cool fully,who did care your dinner ,it is hard to kind employee

可是 ,到9點左右,領導又打來電話,說跳停了,給值班電工打電話打不通(小夜和r大夜就兩個電工,無後補電工,正好趕上休班,所以沒有值班電工),於是我又去了,合上閘之後,剛啟動運行,又跳了,於是先排查電機、再檢查電纜是否損傷,由於兩個電機是並聯的,必須把兩個電機的電纜都拆除才能測絕緣,經過檢查,電機是好的,於是把問題鎖定在電纜,順著電纜檢查電纜,共發現兩處電纜損傷,一是被焊工的焊渣把電纜燒損,而是在電機的接線盒接口附近,電纜接地,造成短路,經處理後,電機可正常啟動且電流合適。

But ,let me unfortunately ,the phone was hanging/ringing again.that equipment tripped off ,he called shift electrician but no body answered (both of shift electricians taking dayoff) .so i was ordered to go/initiate/launch journey/tour. when i turned on /switch power again ,started motor,it would trip off the circuit breaker again.so i stopped my job to check the motor and cable along the cable tray.disconnected cables from motor termination as well as testing the insulation value of motors ,it was good with no problems left.i checked the cable along the cable tray. luckly, i found one place that the rubber burnt already ,touching ground ,another broken place of cable was located at the input of motor termination ,one cable core has broken by the friction of vibration ,causing short between cable and ground ,so there were two radical causes locked by me ,i repacked the broken places and cutoff broken cable core ,connect wires to motors again ,restarted motors ,it was working verywell.and testing current of motors while running ,it was normal


Making me thrilled/upset/incensed ,it was also rainning all the time while i fixed that problems.i wore myopic eyes glasses plus sweating all the time,so the inclement weather affected my eyesight/vision/view,and the bulky lights was gloomy /dim ,it was hazy/blury so that hard to find out the problems .so it took me three and half hour to solve/resolve/handle /deal with /cope with/tackle it,after finishing ,i was very tried /out of energy/power/strangth.i run out of power/i depleted my strangth.went back to camproom,engaging a simple/brief/concise/quick/prompt/swift/rapaid shower as soon as possible.going sleeping.

So ,my dear/genial/honest/sincere/genunen friends,we are hard/tough to face daily working,do you experience the courses of working stages ?i confrim/certainfy that you must do it ,so please remember to foucs on me ,and forwarding my articles ,thanks a lot