
When I told him my answer, he seemed taken aback. take aback 使...震驚

She takes after her mother. take after

He takes apart this suggestion and shows its weaknesses. take apart 拆開;剖析

He was trying to take the ball away from the dog. take away 把...拿走

If you bought any of these toys, take them back to the store for a full refund. take back 把...拿回去

He took her phone number down on a napkin. take down 記下;拿下

The homeless shelter takes in women and children. take in 收留

The police took him in for drunk driving. take in 拘留

He was taken in by a man who said he was collecting money for a charity. take in 欺騙

She stood on the shore taking in the salty sea air. take in 吸收

You’ll have plenty of time to take in all the sights. take in 欣賞

Thank you for taking it upon yourself to organize the meeting. take sth upon oneself


No one remembers taking notice/note of her at the party. take notice/note of 注意

The plane took off and landed safely. take off 起飛

Our business is really starting to take off. take off 起色

She took her high-heeled shoes off and put on some slippers. take off sth 脫掉

I can’t take my eyes off that beautiful pair of earrings of yours. take sth off sth 把...從...中移開

Her willingness to take on new challenges is admirable. take on 應對

This story has taken on a new meaning. take on 呈現

The writer is not afraid to take on his critics directly. take on 面對

The train took on a few more passengers before leaving the city. take on 接納

She took out a couple of books from the library. take out 拿出

All drivers in the state must take out insurance on their vehicles. take out 取得

They take their frustration out on their families. take sth out on sb


Take over for me for a while. Since she has taken over the company, productivity and profits have soared. take over 頂替;take over sth 接管

She refuses to take sides on the issue. I always take your side. The government responded by taking the side of the consumer. take sides on 對...發表看法;take one's side 站在某人一邊,與某人立場一致

Take me through that day hour by hour. take sb through sth 向某人詳細解釋某件事

Thousands of people took to their streets in protest. take to one's streets 湧上街頭

I took to her as soon as she smiled at me. We’ve taken to calling him “Mr. Dependable.” take to 喜歡;習慣於

He took up (the story) where he left off. take up (中斷後)繼續做某事

I don’t want to take up too much of your time. take up 佔據(時間或空間)

I was thinking about taking up photography. take up 從事

The court took up the question of how to deal with companies that break the law. take up 討論

He will take up his post at the beginning of the year.

take up 開始(職位)

Can you take the legs of these pants up two inches? 把褲腳上移2英寸

We took up the carpet in the living room and replaced it with hardwood flooring. take up 拿起

They are taking up old clothes for the homeless shelter. take up 募集

We took the company up on its offer to replace the computer for free. take sb up on sth 與某人達成某方面的協議

If you have a problem, please take it up with one of our managers. take sth up with sb 向某人提出某個問題

Audiences seem to be enjoying the film's modern take on Dickens' famous story. take作名詞,看法

It took us 20 takes to get the scene right. take作名詞,(一次拍攝的連續)鏡頭

He stands to earn 10 percent of the company's $1 million take on the deal. take作名詞,收入額

We've heard rumors that the senator is on the take. on the take 受賄