英语俚语习语学习13: on the double


称子英语俚语习语学习:on the double

on the double 快速地; 迅速地;尽快地;立即;跑步; 毫不迟延地

Give me ten more on the double.赶快再给我十个。

They went with me on the double. 他们马上就同我一起去了。

Send a couple of guards in here. On the double.派几名警察来,要跑步来。


1. lead a double life 过双重生活(意指双重人格)

The guy who you know leads a double life.你认识的那个家伙是表面一套暗里一套的两面派。

2. H-E-double-toothpicks (=hell) 见鬼,真该死

0h, H-E-double-toothpicks! I did it wrong again!啊,见鬼!我又做错了!

3. give somebody the double cross 出卖或欺骗(同伴),对(某人)背信弃义

I know you gave me the double cross.我知道你出卖了我。

4. fast (或double) shuffle 欺骗,口是心非

He was fast shuffling me,but I caught him. 当时他在欺骗我,可是我戳穿了他。

Don’t fast shuffle, give an honest answer. 别口是心非,给我一个诚实的回答。

5. double-trouble 十分麻烦的或故障重重的事物,极其讨厌的、惹人烦恼的人,灾星,祸根

That car you got is double-trouble.你买的那辆汽车毛病百出。

Watch that clown. he’s double-trouble.看住那个乡下佬,他可是个捣蛋鬼。

6. double up (with laughter) 拼命大笑

We all just doubled up with laughter.我们大家都不禁捧腹大笑。

I doubled up when I heard the punch line.我听到这句妙语,就哈哈大笑。

7. double take (对某事或某人先未加注意或忽略,而过后才番然大悟的)再次细看,看第二眼

Fred did a double take, then recognized Tracy.弗雷德再仔细看了一眼,才认出是特蕾西。

She suddenly caught the reference and did a double take.她突然注意到了那张证明,于是就又认真看了一遍。

8. double-headed 十分聪明的

He was rather double-headed in saying that.他那么说十分聪明。