

Gu pointed out that, to evaluate a culture, one must see "what type of people it can produce" or "what type of men and women it can produce". After some comparative study of the Chinese people, American people, British people, German people, and French people, he came to the conclusion that: the American people was generous and unsophisticated but lacked profundity; the British people was profound and unsophisticated, but lacked generosity; German people was generous and profound, but lacked simplicity; French people was no match for the German people in profundity, the American people in generosity, the British people in simplicity, but it had what these three peoples lacked: sensibility; only the Chinese people was equipped with all the four spiritual features: generosity, simplicity, profundity and sensibility. In March 1928, Gu died in Beijing at age 72. (compliled)