
Japan to postpone the Olympic Games, dealing① a further blow② to its economy


Facing heavy global pressure and rising athlete dissent③, the International Olympic Committee sharply reversed course last Tuesday and agreed with Japanese officials that the Olympics and Paralympics will not take place this summer in Tokyo in the wake of the growing COVID-19 pandemic. Organizers said they hoped to stage④ the Games by the summer of 2021. The Olympic flame will remain in Japan, and the Olympics still will be labeled Tokyo 2020, even though they will take place in 2021. In a report early this month, SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. projected⑤ that a cancellation of the Games would erase 1.4 percent of Japan’s economic output. (The Washington Post, The New York Times)



① deal: [diːl] vt. to deliver blows 给予

② blow: [bləʊ] n. a stroke, esp. a firm stroke; a violent application of the fist or of any instrument to an object(用拳头、武器等)一击;【喻】打击,重创

③ dissent: [dɪˈsɛnt] n. difference of opinion or sentiment; disagreement 不同意

④ stage: [steɪdʒ] vt. to organize and present an event for people to see 举办,筹划

⑤ project: [prəˈdʒɛkt] vt. to calculate or forecast on the basis of present trends〖经〗预测/计

(Credit: Reuters)


UK Parliament shuts down for a month


Parliament has shut down until 21 April at the earliest to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Last Wednesday night, the leader of the House of Commons① laid a motion saying parliament will adjourn② until 21 April. MPs have called for ministers to take part in daily video conferencing so they can keep scrutinizing the government’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak while parliament is in recess③. Meanwhile, legislation giving the government new emergency powers to combat the spread of the disease and to release funds to deal with the crisis cleared all stages in Parliament last Wednesday, and has now become law. The 329-page Act of Parliament④ will allow “extraordinary measures” never seen in peacetime in the UK, including the power to restrict events, shut down premises⑤ such as pubs, and order people to stay at home. (BBC, The Guardian)



① leader of the House of Commons: a government minister whose main role is organising government business in the Commons 下院领导人

② adjourn: [əˈdʒəːn] vi. to dissolve the meeting of (a court, parliament, or similar official or judicial assembly) in order to continue at another time or place; to postpone, defer, or suspend (such a meeting, assembly, or related matter or proceeding)(司法、立法机构)休会,延期讨论

③ recess: [ˈriːsɛs] n. a period of time in which the proceedings of a parliament, court, or other official body are suspended or adjourned(国会、议会的)休会,(法庭的)休庭

④ Act of Parliament: a statute that has been passed by a parliament and been given royal assent by the monarch 议会法令〔一作:一级法令。二级法令是指经一级法令授权,由政府大臣颁布的法令〕

⑤ premise: [ˈprɛmɪs] n. a house or building together with its grounds, outhouses, etc., esp. a building or part of a building that houses a business「常用复数」(尤指企业使用的)房屋连地基;生产场所;经营地点

Socially distanced MPs in the House of Commons in London on March 23, 2020

(Credit: AFP)


Nth Room


Last week, online sexual violence against women drew widespread public attention in South Korea when police arrested the operator of multiple sexual abuse chat rooms on messaging apps like Telegram. The case involves the alleged coercion①and blackmailing② of at least 58 women and 16 girls beginning in late 2018. An estimated 260,000 participants, including overlapping③ members in different chat rooms, paid up to 1.5 million won (US$1,200) for access, “proving” themselves by posting misogynistic④ content. The chat room operator obtained explicit sexual and sometimes violent footage of victims, such as nude⑤ photos, by luring women and girls under false pretenses⑥, including offering employment, and gathered their names and contact details, then used the images to blackmail them into producing increasingly cruel and dehumanizing footage. (Human Rights Watch)



① coercion: [kəʊˈəːʃən] n. the act of making sb. do sth. that they do not want to do, using force or threatening 武力胁/强迫

② blackmail: [ˈblakmeɪl] vt. to use threats or moral pressure against 敲诈,勒索

③ overlap: [əʊvərˈlæp] vt. to lie or be situated so as to extend over part of (a thing) 与……重叠

④ misogynistic: [mɪˌsɒdʒɪˈnɪstɪk] adj. relating to or characteristic of hate or prejudice against women 讨厌/歧视女性的

⑤ nude: [njuːd] adj. wearing no clothes, naked, bare 裸体的

⑥ pretense: [prɪˈtɛns] n. a false, feigned, or hypocritical profession or show, esp. of a quality, emotion, etc. 借口,托词

“Telegram Nth room” main suspect Cho Joo-bin.

(Credit: Getty Images)


G20 leaders pledge to do “whatever it takes” on COVID-19


G20 leaders have pledged to do “whatever it takes” to minimize the social and economic damage of the pandemic, in a joint communiqué① issued after a video conference call last Thursday. The leaders agreed to increase funding for research in vaccines and medicines, an area in which the G20 has shown an interest in the past. After the meeting, US President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a phone call. Tensions had been raised after Mr Trump described SARS-CoV-2 as a “Chinese virus” and accused China of withholding information about its spread. But both sides offered mutual support. Mr Xi assured Mr Trump that China had been open about COVID-19 from the beginning. America’s total of confirmed cases has just surpassed China’s. (The Guardian, NPR)



① communiqué: [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪ] n. an official announcement or report; esp. one delivered at the conclusion of a meeting, conference, etc. (now usually one concerned with diplomacy or international relations) 公报

(Credit: South China Morning Post)


US Congress approves a $2 trillion stimulus deal to fight coronavirus fallout


The US Senate approved fiscal stimulus legislation worth $2 trillion to prop① up the American economy during the coronavirus pandemic, in a bipartisan vote last Thursday after a week of tense negotiations between the Trump administration and Congress. The upper chamber② passed the bill by 96 to 0. After the bill was approved in the House last Friday, Trump signed the historic stimulus package into law. The package includes one-off “helicopter money③” cheques of up to $1,200 for individuals, an extra $600 a week in unemployment insurance for those without work, and a $450bn bailout④ fund for US businesses, states and cities. US stocks snapped⑤ a three-day winning streak⑥ last Friday while Trump prepared to sign. (The Financial Times)



① prop: [prɒp] vt. to provide support or help, esp. to some weak or failing cause or institution; to sustain. Now usually with up 支撑

② chamber: [ˈtʃeɪmbə] n. one of the houses of a legislative body(立法机构的)议院

③ helicopter money: a proposed unconventional monetary policy, sometimes suggested as an alternative to quantitative easing (QE) when the economy is in a liquidity trap 直升机撒钱,飞来横财

④ bailout: [ˈbeɪlaʊt] n. a (means of) release or rescue from difficulty or crisis; spec. an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business, etc.; money given as such assistance(紧急)财政援助

⑤ snap: [snæp] vt. to cause the end of (a series of wins, losses, successes, etc.) 使突然结束

⑥ streak: [striːk] n. a period of repeated success or failure 一连串

Donald Trump signed the historic stimulus bill into law on Friday in the White House’s Oval Office.

(Credit: AP)


China’s new policies on the pandemic amid concerns over a second wave of outbreak


Wuhan, has partially re-opened after more than two months of lockdown. Crowds of passengers were pictured arriving at a Wuhan train station last Saturday. People are being allowed to enter but not leave. Wuhan saw more than 50,000 confirmed cases. At least 3,000 people in Hubei died. But numbers have fallen dramatically. The Chinese government last Saturday reported 54 new cases emerging the previous day—which it said were all imported. As it battles to control cases coming from abroad, China has announced a temporary ban on all foreign visitors, even if they have visas or residence permits①. It is also limiting Chinese and foreign airlines② to one flight per week, and flights must not be more than 75% full. (BBC)



① permit: [ˈpəːmɪt] n. a document giving permission to do something; a licence, warrant, or pass 许可证,通行证

② airline: [ˈɛrˌlaɪn] n. a company or other body operating aircraft in public service(民用)航空公司

People arriving in Wuhan on March 28

(Credit: AFP)
