



At one time, the whole Earth spoke the same language. It so happened that as they moved out of the east, they came upon a plain in the land of Shinar and settled down. (Genesis 11:1-2)


God took one look and said, “One people, one language; why, this is only a first step. No telling what they’ll come up with next- they’ll stop at nothing! Come, we’ll go down and garble their speech so they won’t understand each other.” Then God scattered them from there all over the world. And they had to quit building the city. That’s how it came to be called Babel, because there God turned their language into “babble.” From there God scattered them all over the world. (Genesis 11:6-9)


When God confused everyone who spoke this one language, it caused them to speak many different languages so they would not understand each other. By doing this, God thwarted their plans. Instead of sending down His wrath like He had done before with the great flood, God decided to scatter the people of the city all over the face of the earth.



