


1. can

⑴ 表示能力,一般譯為“能、會”,尤其指生來具備的能力。

如:She can swim fast, but I can’t .

⑵ 表示許可,常在口語中。

如:You can use my dictionary.

⑶ 表示推測,意為“可能”,常用於否定句和疑問句中,此時can’t譯為“不可能”。

如:—Can the news be true?

—No, it can’t be our teacher. He is on a visit to the Great Wall.

2. could

⑴ can的過去式,意為“能、會”,表示過去的能力。

如:He could write poems when he was 10.

⑵ could在疑問句中,表示委婉請求的語氣,此時could沒有過去式的意思。

如:Could you do me a favour?

—Could I use your pen?

—Yes, you can.(注意回答)

3. may

⑴ 表示請求、許可,比can正式,

如:May I borrow your bike? You may go home now.

⑵ 表示推測,談論可能性,意為“可能,或許”,一般用於肯定句中。

如:It may rain tomorrow . She may be at home.

⑶ may的過去式為 might。might 也可以表示可能性低於may(此時might沒有過去式的意思)。

如:He is away from school. He might be sick.

⑷ 表示希望、祈求、祝願,常可譯為“祝願”。通常是用may +主+V

如:May you have a good time.

May you be happy!

May you succeed!

4. must

⑴ must 表示主觀看法,意為“必須”。

如:You must stay here until I come back.

Must I hand in my homework right now?

⑵ 對must引導的疑問句,肯定回答為must,否定回答為needn’t 或don’t have to .

如:—Must I finish my homework?

—No, you needn’t.

⑶ must也可以表示有把握的推測,意為“ 一定,肯定”,用於肯定句。

如: The light is on, so he must be at home now.

⑷ 其否定形式mustn’t表示“禁止,不許”。

如:You mustn’t play with fire.

You mustn’t be late.



如:She must have seen the film before,hasn’tshe?(注意反意疑問句的後半部分)

You must have met uncle Wang in the shop yesterday,didn’t you? (注意反意疑問句的後半部分)

5. need

⑴ need表示需要,主要用於否定句和疑問句中,其否定形式為needn’t,意為“不必”。

用need提問時,肯定回答為must,否定回答為needn’t或don’t have to。

如:—Need I stay here any longer?

—Yes, you must .

—No. you needn’t /don’t have to.


如:I need to do it right now.

如果是物作主語,一般用need doing與need to be done,這種情況下應注意兩點:

① 主動形式的動名詞doing具有被動的含義;

② 該動名詞可以改為其動詞不定式的被動形式而句子的意義不變。

例如:. The door needs painting. = The door needs to be painted.

6. dare


⑴ dare作為情態動詞,多用於否定句、疑問句或條件句中,無第三人稱單數形式,只有一般現在時和一般過去時。

如:Dare he tell them what he knows?

I daren’t ask her. Will you do it for me?

⑵ dare作為實義動詞,此時有人稱、數及時態的變化。

如:He doesn’t dare to break his promise.  


如:Do you dare tell her what I said?

7. shall


如:Shall we go out for a walk?

Shall the driver wait outside?

8. should

⑴ should 意為“應該”,可表示勸告、建議、義務、責任等。

如:We should protect the environment.

⑵ Should have done 意為”本應該做某事而沒做“,表示對過去動作的責備、批評。

如:You should have finished your homework.

9. will

will 表示意願、意志、打算,可用於多種人稱。

如:I will help you if I’m free this afternoon.

10. had better

had better 意為“最好”,沒有人稱的變化,後面接不帶to的不定式,其否定形式為:had better not。

如:We had better go now.

考點二: 情態動詞的被動語態

含有情態動詞的被動語態的結構為:情態動詞+ be + done (動詞的過去分詞)。做題時要兼顧情態動詞和被動語態這兩個方面。