
1、美國 United States




3、美國中央情報局(CIA) Central Intelligence Agency

4、美國聯邦調查局 (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation

5、美國國務院(DOS)United States Department of State

6、美國司法部DOJ)United States Department of Justice

7、美國財政部 Department of the Treasury (USDT)

8、美國勞工部DOL)United States Department of Labor

9、美國國土安全部(DHS)United States Department of Homeland Security

10、美國內政部(DI)United States Department of the Interior

11、美國衛生與公共服務部(HHS)United States Department of Health and Human Services

12、美國能源部(DOE)United States Department of Energy

13、美國退伍軍人事務部(VA)United States Department of Veterans Affairs

14、美國住房及城市發展部HUD)United States Department of Housing and Urban Development

15、美國人事管理辦公室(OPM)United States Office of Personnel Management

16、美國環境保護署(EPA)United States Environmental Protection Agency

17、美國特勤局United States Secret Service

18、酒精,菸草,槍支和爆炸物管理局ATF)Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

19、美國法警局(USMS)United States Marshals Service

20、美國聯邦通信委員會FCC)Federal Communications Commission

21、美國農業部(USDA)United States Department of Agriculture

22、美國國會 United States Congress

23、美國參議院 United States Senate

24、美國總統行政辦公室(EOP)Executive Office of the President of the United States

25、美國眾議院 United States House of Representatives

26、美國陸軍USAUnited States Army (USA)

27、美國海軍(USN) United States Navy

28、美國空軍(USAF)United States Air Force