"你為什麼選擇德勤?" 勇氣、創新、包容、美好生活


我們非常注重員工的誠信We attach great importance to integrity這對事務所和我們的客戶而言是重中之重的人才選聘條件it is a top priority for Deloitte and our clients此外德勤的文化也非常重視創新、包容、勇氣和美好生活四大特質Our culture also embraces innovation, inclusion, courage and well-being我們期望德勤的員工不僅具備靈敏的思維開闊的視野That's why we expect Deloitte employees to show agility, broad vision並且富於積極創新也能敢於挑戰現狀and creativity, with the courage to challenge the status quo表達自己的獨特想法and express their unique ideas同時我們也提倡包容的企業文化彼此互相尊重支持at the same time, we promote an inclusive culture of mutual respect and support我們還鼓勵員工追求美好的生活因為我們相信we encourage employees to pursue well-being, believing that對員工的個人生活的充分尊重可以提高by respecting their personal lives we can boost 員工對企業的忠誠度與歸屬感employees' loyalty and sense of belonging如今年輕人普遍期望僱主Nowadays, young people want an employer是樂意聆聽自己的意見和反饋的朋友that's willing to listen to their opinions and feedback保持更緊密的溝通They want to feel a connection德勤對此十分認同我們相信只有通過平等地溝通Deloitte agrees, believing it's only through equal communication和互相瞭解 and mutual understanding 才能及時地向員工提供他們需要的信息和建議that we can support employees with the information and suggestion they need獲得上司的認同與讚賞gaining recognition and appreciation from their superiors在技術革新的大趨勢下amid technological innovation德勤的很多專業服務都融入了數字化元素many of Deloitte's professional services are becoming digitalized這就要求員工對so employees need to be sensitive to我們希望德勤的員工有著開放的思想樂意積極地接納不同的新鮮事物we look for people with open minds and the desire to learn new things為此我們希望發現更多不同的專業人才
welcoming talent from a wide range of backgrounds and skills通過豐富的內部培訓鼓勵員工全面發展Through internal training, we develop our people幫助他們考取相關的專業資格helping them gain professional qualifications最終實現事務所的人才多元發展and ultimately diversifying the firm's talent development我們歡迎有著各類專業背景的你No matter your major or professional background加入德勤大家庭there's a place for you in the Deloitte family

勇氣、創新、包容、美好生活+誠信為本 = "4+1" 文化


Life at Deloitte


Our Culture


Our culture and values define us. They shape our approach to work, our clients, and each other – in all that we do.




At Deloitte China, we empower and encourage staff to embrace their intuition, imagination and intellect – to speak up without fear of derision, and act without fear of failure. Our talent has the courage to be accountable, resilient, and believes in its ability to win. Standing still is not an option for our top clients, and it is only through courage that we can help them adapt and win a changing world.






Our clients must adapt to win out in today's fast-changing business environment. That's why we focus on innovation – in ideas, technology, and all other areas of our work – to ensure excellent service. Through our innovation platform, technological resources, constant questioning of 'old ways' of thinking, and the pursuit and sharing of knowledge, our agility enables our clients to envision and achieve the business models and concepts of the future.

創新:服務於數字化轉型和創新的持續學習勇氣和創新被放在德勤‘4+1’文化的前兩位,因為這兩者息息相關,只有有勇氣去擁抱改變,才會讓創新發生。德勤要求所有員工都必須完成一定課時的 "數字化轉型" 在線學習並獲得認證;每月多次通過 "數字化未來" 網絡講座,數字化簡報等讓員工獲得豐富的數字化技術市場洞察以及商業應用的學習技能。




Through diversity and tolerance, we remain true to ourselves and foster collaboration, ensuring we deliver the constant flow of new and original ideas on which our clients depend. That's why we proactively pursue an inclusive culture built on trust, respect, fairness, and common goals. Regardless of personality, lifestyle, background, gender or hierarchy, we believe in 'we', not 'I'. If we have mutual respect for one other, our clients will continue to put their trust in us.

包容:多元共存,實時推動更具人性化的工作制度目前93%的德勤中國員工都是80後、90後乃至00後。"當年輕一代成為我們的公司主力,如何讓年長的高層保持年輕化的思維方式、推行與時俱進的決策就顯得尤為重要。""女性領導力" 議題為例,該議題的提出,是為了確保佔德勤60%比例的女性員工能夠擁有和男性一樣的晉升機會,保護她們同工同酬的權力,更在包括招聘、晉升、績效考核等各個人才管理週期裡確立標準,力爭為女性員工提供平等的機會。在多種方案的監管下,目前德勤中國700多人的合夥人當中,有33%是女性,遠超德勤其他國家地區。




Work is not an end in itself. That's why we foster a flexible, supportive environment, giving staff at every level the opportunity to reach their goals both 'here' and at home. We proactively encourage our talent to rest and eat well, and contribute to their communities, increasing their sense of happiness. That's because health, happiness, positivity and optimism are not just good for our talent, they are good for us, our clients, and our business.

在業務轉型的推動下,德勤對 "4+1" 文化中的 "美好生活",也賦予了全新的定義,力求為員工構建從身體(Body)到心理(Mind)、到使命(Purpose)三者相輔相成的生態圈。德勤不僅關注員工的身體(健康),更將這份關懷延伸到德勤人的家庭。去年首推全國領先、廣獲好評的 "德勤專屬父母重疾保障",讓超過萬名員工父母受益。今年德勤更推出家庭緊急援助計劃,在員工遭遇重大家庭變故時,可獲得數天乃至數月的50%的帶薪假期。作為國內為數不多實踐EAP的企業,德勤十多年前就已開始為員工提供24小時援助諮詢熱線和心理輔導課程。最近德勤還將提升其內容和形式,從心理認知互動遊戲到管理層輔導等,幫助更好提高員工心理韌性和工作活力,成就更好的自己。德勤以 "為人才創造機會,助力客戶成就不凡,為社會貢獻力量" 作為企業使命。尤其在數字化轉型時代,更關注如何幫助員工提升技能,應對未來挑戰,實現自我價值。與此同時,德勤還致力於幫助全球成百上千萬人口在新經濟環境下發揮潛能、成就自我,並將之視為重要的使命願景。而今年8月,德勤也在中國推出“智啟非凡”計劃。該計劃的目標是到2030年助力中國一千萬鄉村兒童和農民提升技能培養,改善教育質量,為人才發展創造機遇。由此,也令德勤的“4+1”文化的影響和意義得以更進一步。




At Deloitte China, we are nothing without integrity. That's why we 'walk the talk' when it comes to our values and ethics – making them the foundation of our words and deeds. We comply with rules and regulations, but do not shirk from addressing misconduct if it arises, and believe our leaders should be role models not just for us, but for the world at large.

誠信:一切的基礎和核心身處這個行業,誠信是德勤對客戶的承諾、也是對社會的承諾。我們要求我們的員工時刻做誠信的人,同時德勤也願意去相信,他們都擁有誠信的人格。王之所以會有無需任何證明的 "emergency leave" 制度,正是因為德勤相信每一個員工。認同創新,勇氣,包容,美好生活和誠信的4+1文化,不僅影響了每一個德勤員工,也讓德勤有能力去影響更多人,甚至與德勤作為一個企業的使命願景緊密結合。