



As a foreign student from Pakistan,studying in Yunnan Minzu University. During the outbreak of the COVID-19, we have stayed together with our teachers, our university and China. I have learnt so many thing from the government of China and the Chinese people during this pandemic. China succeeded in controlling this pandemic. There are so many reasons and I will mention some as follows:

(1) This is an important lesson for everyone. We know that with strong action it is possible to push this virus back as China has done.

(2) The central government of China is working hard with her people.

(3) The Chinese people are so cooperative to follow the rules and regulations.

(4) The Chinese people have sympathy, humanism, caring, and always have good feeling for other.

(5) As we know that nowadays, China is trying to help with other countries to control this pandemic according to Chinese experience. We have lived in China for one year. The Chinese people have same feelings and thoughts for students from all countries.

(6) Specially, I am very grateful to teachers of our school who stay with us in this critical time.

These are the main facts that China become successful in controlling this pandemic.

Long live China.

Tasawar Hussain, 巴基斯坦(PAKISTAN)

When the epidemic situation was rising on peak in the last week of January 2020, we should have had a chance to leave China for securing ourselves. The situation of other countries was normal while the situation in China was so severe at that time, but being Pakistani, we decided to stand with China. There is a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. To be honest, even in severe pandemic situation, we firmly believe in Chinese government and their sustainable and incentive policies especially for the human beings. We didn't feel fearful or uncomfortable because we knew the Chinese government would never give up and never leave us alone. Being a Pakistani, I always understand that China is our second homeland and we always treat and defend China as our home country politically and cordially. Thank you so much to all the doctors and other Chinese government personnel for their cordial, responsible and caring efforts.




As a foreign student who lives in China from the very beginning of the epidemic till now, I want to praise the Chinese government for their tremendous amount of efforts that were taken in controlling and preventing the disease. They, especially policemen and medical institutes, had focused attention on foreign students like checking and recording all the information in the critical period in China. Furthermore, the Dean and the teachers of International School of Yunnan Minzu University were very supportive and working as hard as possible to keep the students safe and healthy. Not only were they conducting the online classes to maintain the academic environment uninterrupted but making sure students get maximum productivity of their time. Anyway, I was lucky to stay in China in this critical period. Thank you, China. Thank you, Yunnan Minzu University.



Andrew, 津巴布韋(ZIMBABWE)

For and on behalf of my fellow students l would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the school and government of China for the support during this critical time of Covid-19.

We were all safely looked after by the school administration and local authorities in Yunnan province, there was regular interaction, news update and performance assessment regularly. There was timely response to every concern raised and we never felt distanced or deprived of anything. Your technical efforts and professionalism contributed substantially to the quality and hospitality of our stay. We felt comfortable and safe in every way. l believe you practically demonstrated the highest quality of responsibility and would like to thank you and praise your efforts. This will surely go along way in cementing our country's relationship and understanding. China has set a good example to the whole world in this pandemic. And I firmly believe that human community with a shared future will come.




As a foreign student living in China during COVID-19 crisis, I once felt fearful and anxious in the beginning because I did not know anything about this virus and did not know how to prevent it. Since it is new to mankind and all I saw in the news was on daily increase in the number of deaths and its rapid spread throughout the country. But there were two major factors that made me decide not to leave China.

The first factor was what the Chinese government did to reduce the spread of the virus and spread the awareness about how to prevent it. The government locked down the City of Wuhan, then canceled all Chinese New Year celebrations and closing all gathering places. People were also made aware of the need to wear masks and told not to leave the house.

The second factor was that the actions our University took to reassure us by closing the university campus and providing the medical supplies necessary to prevent the disease from spreading as well as providing basic foodstuffs, which helped us to stay on the campus safely. The staff in the university were working hard to communicate with students, even on their official holidays.

In the end, I would like to express my gratitude toward China’s government and people, toward my university for their care and assistance led by the dean and staff of the International School.
