
F*ck! I'm in My TwentiesBased on the Tumblr of the same name, F*ck! I'm in My Twenties is full of Emma Koenig's too-funny (and too-true) musings, illustrations, diagrams, and lists on life as a 20-something making her way in a big city. Being a 20-something woman these days can be overwhelming, to say the least. You're navigating the anxieties of postgrad life as an "adult" (whatever that means), sorting through the ups and downs of dating, trying to hold onto friendships with your girlfriends who may be in different stages of life, and hunting for your dream career. Not to mention comparing yourself to all your Facebook friends who look like they have it all figured out, even though - let's be honest - they don't know what they're doing either. If you're on the verge of a quarter-life crisis, I've selected a collection of books with poignant advice, hilarious personal experiences, and worst-case scenarios to help you get over the my-life-is-hopeless hump - or at least laugh about it!

靠!當我20歲的時候基於圖布勒的同名書,《靠!當我20歲的時候》充滿艾瑪 克尼格的搞笑(太真實的)沉思,解釋,圖解,列出了生活中的20件事開拓了她在大城市的路。時至今日成為一個擁有至少20件事的女人是壓倒性的。你處於作為“成年人”研究生的生活的焦慮中(無論那意味著什麼),分出約會的起伏,試著抓住和你女朋友的友誼在不同的生活困難時期,抓住你的夢想生涯。不用說和你臉譜網上看起來什麼都知道的朋友做比較,儘管——我們很誠實——它們或許也不知道他們在做什麼。如果你在四分之一生活危機的邊緣,我選了一系列的書有尖刻的建議,熱鬧的個人經歷和糟糕事情的景色來幫助你克服我生活是無望的憂鬱-至少對他大笑!

What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self


If you need some encouraging words of wisdom from other women who've survived their 20s, then you should pick up Ellyn Spragins's What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self, a collection of 41 heartfelt letters by famous women to their younger selves.

如果你需要一些智慧的鼓勵的話來自於在20歲是仍倖存的女人的,那麼你需要看一看愛麗 斯普阿銀的《我現在知道的:給年輕的我的信》,收藏了41封著名女人給年輕自己的信。

Never Have I Ever


Katie Heaney hilariously chronicles her lackluster love life in Never Have I Ever: My Life (So Far) Without a Date. At 25, the blogger and writer had a college degree, plenty of friends, and a loving family - but she'd never had a boyfriend or even been on a second date.

凱迪 赫妮高興的編撰了她缺少光澤的情史在書:《我從未擁有過》:我的生活(到目前為止)沒有約會。在25的時候,博主和作者有大學水平,許多的朋友,和一個有愛的家--但她從沒有一個男朋友或者參加第二個約會。

Don't Worry, It Gets Worse


Don't Worry, It Gets Worse: One Twentysomething's (Mostly Failed) Attempts at Adulthood by Alida Nugent follows her realization that postgrad life wasn't quite what she thought it would be. The humorous collection of essays is about transitioning from collegiate life to becoming a "mature and responsible adult that definitely never eats peanut butter straight from the jar and considers it a meal."

《不要擔心,更糟了》:一本關於20歲事情(大多數失敗)的書在成年時期的嘗試阿莉達 努根寫的關於意識到研究生後的生活並不是她所想的。幽默散文集從大學生活過度到成為一個“成熟的負責的”成年人定義為絕不吃罐裝的堅果黃油並把它當作一頓飯。

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30


By Pamela Redmond Satran and Glamour editors - featuring advice from famous ladies like Maya Angelou and Katie Couric - 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30 is the ultimate guide for women in their 20s.

作者是帕麼拉 紅魔 薩冉和魅力編輯——來自於像瑪雅 安琪和凱迪 考瑞克著名女士的建議——《30件事每個女人都應該擁有的和當她們30的時候應該知道的》是對20多歲的女性的最後指導。



Based on Kelly Williams Brown's blog Adulting, Adulting: How to Become a Grown-Up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps is for you "if you graduated from college but still feel like a student," "if you wear a business suit to job interviews but pajamas to the grocery store," and "if you have your own apartment but no idea how to cook or clean."

基於凱莉 威廉 布朗的博客成年人,《成年人》:468個簡單的步驟告訴你怎樣成為一個成年人“如果你剛從大學畢業但仍感覺像一個學生,如果你穿著商業裝去面試但穿著睡衣去雜貨店”“如果你有自己的公寓但不知怎樣做飯或打掃。”

My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me


TV writer Hilary Winston shares about the time her ex wrote a novel about their relationship calling her the "fat-assed girlfriend" and other dating misadventures in her autobiographical My Boyfriend Wrote a Book About Me: And Other Stories I Shouldn't Share With Acquaintances, Coworkers, Taxi Drivers, Assistants, Job Interviewers, and Ex/Current/Future Boyfriends but Have.

電視作家希拉里 溫斯頓在小說中分享了他與她前女友的關係叫她“胖傻子女友”和其他的約會冒險在她的自傳中我的男朋友寫了一本關於我的書:其它的故事我不應該和陌生人,同事,出租車司機,助手,工作面試的人分享,但是和前任/現任/未來的男朋友分享。

Girls in White Dresses


Jennifer Close's funny, sweet, and touching novel Girls in White Dresses follows a group of 20-something girlfriends dealing with their own life complexities as they attend bridal shower after bridal shower.

詹尼佛 克勞斯有趣的甜蜜的感人的小說《穿白裙子的女孩們》緊隨著20歲女孩處理複雜的生活當她們參加婚禮儀式在經過婚禮的沐浴之後。

20 Something, 20 Everything


Christine Hassler's 20 Something, 20 Everything: A Quarter-Life Woman's Guide to Balance and Direction is a motivational book to help young women going through the trials of their 20s realize that they're not alone. It touts that "readers can turn questions into maps that lead toward creating a career, a relationship, and a life that fits just like a favorite pair of jeans."

克里斯蒂娜 哈斯勒的《20歲的事情,20歲的每一件事》:給予度過四分之一生活女人的指導一本擁有平衡性和指導性的激勵書籍幫助年輕女人經歷20歲的試驗讓她們意識到她們並不孤單。它吹噓“讀者能向地圖問問題,引導創造一種生涯,一種關係,生活的愜意就像穿一條最喜歡的牛仔褲。

Bitches on a Budget


Rosalyn Hoffman's Bitches on a Budget: Sage Advice For Surviving Tough Times in Style is a "fashion guru, travel agent, grooming consultant, therapist, sommelier, and life coach" for the young-adult women pinching pennies in a less-than-ideal market.

羅薩莉 霍夫曼的《賬單上的婊子》:明智的建議給風格上困難時期的倖存是一本像時尚顧問,旅行代理,服裝諮詢師,診療師,斟酒服務員,和生活教練的書給年輕成年女性更合理的利用包裡的錢在不理想的市場上。

People Are Unappealing: Even Me


With a quick wit and dark sense of humor, Sara Barron shares her personal stories of 20-something life in her memoir People Are Unappealing: Even Me.

帶著詼諧和機智,薩拉 拜倫分享了他的20歲生活的個人故事在她的回憶錄《人們是不吸引人的:我也在內》。

Nice Is Just a Place in France


Nice Is Just a Place in France: How to Win at Basically Everything by "The Betches" is a tell-it-how-it-is guide for young women to succeed at life. Tips include the following: "Don't be easy. Don't be poor. Don't be ugly."


The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing


From relationships to careers, Melissa Bank explores what it's like to "grow up" as a woman in today's modern world in her collection of fictional short stories, The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing.

從關係到職業,茉莉薩 班克探索了“成長”像什麼作為今天現代世界的女性在小說的短故事中,《女孩打獵和釣魚的指導》。

Graduates in Wonderland


Best friends Jessica Pan and Rachel Kapelke-Dale write about their true tales of post-collegiate excitement, disappointment, love, and heartache in their epistolary memoir Graduates in Wonderland: The International Misadventures of Two (Almost) Adults. Perfect for anyone who has been through or is currently going through a quarter-life crisis.

最好的朋友傑西卡 潘和瑞克 卡派克寫了它們大學畢業後激動,失望,愛和心碎的真實故事在備忘錄《在神秘島畢業》:兩個(大多數)成年人的錯誤的國際的冒險。對經歷過或正在經歷四分之一生活危機的人是一本完美的書。

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life From Dear Sugar


Wild author Cheryl Strayed has written a fair share about love, especially as the columnist behind "Dear Sugar." Her relationship, dating, and sex advice - which was compiled in her book Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life From Dear Sugar - is insightful, funny, and heartfelt.

田園作家切裡 斯特里寫了一本童話書在欄目“親愛的唐”分享了愛。他對於關係,約會和性的建議-編撰在書中《細微的美妙事情:來自親愛的唐對生活和愛的建議》是有深刻見解的,有趣的,直抵人心的。