
張家界 ,原名“大庸市”, 湖南 省地級市。轄2個市轄區( 永定 區、 武陵源 區)、2個縣( 慈利縣 、桑植 縣)。位於 湖南 西北 部,澧水中上游,屬武陵山區腹地。 張家界 因旅遊建市,是 中國 最重要的旅遊城市之一,是湘鄂渝黔革命根據地的發源地和中心區域。

由原大庸縣的 張家界 林場改為 張家界 國家森林公園,1982年9月,成為 中國 第一個國家森林公園。

1988年8月, 張家界 武陵源 風景名勝區被列入國家重點風景名勝區;1992年,由 張家界 國家森林公園等三大景區構成的 武陵源 風景名勝區被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界自然遺產名錄》;2004年2月,被列入全球首批《世界地質公園》;2007年,被列入 中國 首批國家5A級旅遊景區。 2017年,被授予“國家森林城市”榮譽稱號,

注: 武陵源 核心景區:包含 張家界 國家森林公園、天子山自然保護區、楊家界自然保護區以及索溪峪自然保護區組成四大部分組成。其次 張家界 國家森林公園包含 黃石 寨、金鞭溪、鷂子寨、砂刀溝以及袁家界。天子山自然保護區包含:賀龍公園也就是天子山、茶盤塔、老屋場空中田園以及黃 龍泉 。楊家界自然保護區包含:八里坡、清風峽以及烏龍寨。索溪峪自然保護區包含:十里畫廊、水繞四門、臥龍嶺、南 天門 以及 黃龍 洞、寶峰湖和百丈峽。

Zhangjiajie, formerly known as "Dayong city", is a prefecture level city in Hunan Province. It has jurisdiction over 2 municipal districts (Yongding District, Wulingyuan District), 2 counties (Cili County, Sangzhi County). Located in the northwest of Hunan Province, the middle and upper reaches of Lishui River, it is the hinterland of Wuling mountain area. Zhangjiajie is one of the most important tourist cities in China. It is the birthplace and central area of the revolutionary base of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Guizhou.

In September 1982, it became the first National Forest Park in China.

In August 1988, Wulingyuan scenic spot in Zhangjiajie was listed as one of the national key scenic spots; in 1992, Wulingyuan scenic spot composed of three scenic spots including Zhangjiajie National Forest Park was listed in the world natural heritage list by UNESCO; in February 2004, it was listed in the first batch of world geoparks; in 2007, it was listed in China The first batch of national 5A tourist attractions. In 2017, he was awarded the honorary title of "National Forest City",

Note: Wulingyuan core scenic area includes Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzishan nature reserve, yangjiajie nature reserve and SUOXIYU nature reserve. Secondly, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park includes Huangshi village, jinbianxi, yaozizhai, shadaogou and yuanjiajie. Tianzi mountain nature reserve includes: Helong Park, namely Tianzi mountain, Chapan tower, old house field air garden and Huanglong spring. Yangjiajie nature reserve includes Balipu, Qingfeng gorge and wulongzhai. SUOXIYU nature reserve includes Shili Gallery, shuirao four gates, Wolong mountain, Nantianmen, Huanglong cave, Baofeng lake and Baizhang gorge.