

一句话瑜伽,第337期Rivka:告诉我,你会觉得每件事情都和你过不去吗?你哪里做错了?Tell me, do you think everything happens to you?Do you do no wrong?

你会和别人一样耍狠嘴硬,死不认错吗?Are you honest with yourself recognizing where you could do better, or could've acted with more kindness?

你会对自己说过的话,以及对待别人的方式负责吗?Do you hold yourself accountable for the things you say and the way you treat others?

只要知道事出必有因,而且大多数都来自你自己,来自于宇宙的教诲,并随着每一次经历而成长。Just know that everything happens for a reason and largely those reasons come from within, from the universe teaching and growing you with each experience.

记住,你拥有改变现实的力量,你感知事情的方式,以及你选择去反应亦或是回应的方式。Remember that you have the power to change your reality, the way you perceive the things that happen and the way you choose to act or react in response.

你所汲取的能量,是从别人身上吸引以及感觉到的。The energy you grow and feed is the energy you attract and feel from others.

有时候,人们就是很刻薄,这种糟糕的情况,是你要去释然地从中学习的。Sometimes people are just mean and it's just a sucky situation to encounter that you will eventually recognize as an experience you learned from.

​把爱随身携带,明白跟着爱走,你就总会化险为夷。守住这条,敞开心扉,让爱发生!Know that leading and acting on love will always guide you in the right direction. Hold yourself to that, honor your heart and make things happen!

BY 福安市远航教育、小鱼儿