微軟 .NET 團隊宣佈 Visual Basic 停止更新,VB 編程即將謝幕


2020 年 3 月 11 號,微軟 .NET 團隊在《Visual Basic support planned for .NET 5.0》博客中提到會在 .NET 5 上繼續支持 Visual Basic,但未來不會繼續發展 VB 語言了,僅在 .NET Core .NET Framework 上維持 VB 的穩定性和兼容性。

One of the major benefits of using Visual Basic is that the language has been stable for a very long time. The significant number of programmers using Visual Basic demonstrates that its stability and descriptive style is valued. Going forward, we do not plan to evolve Visual Basic as a language. This supports language stability and maintains compatibility between the .NET Core and .NET Framework versions of Visual Basic. Future features of .NET Core that require language changes may not be supported in Visual Basic. Due to differences in the platform, there will be some differences between Visual Basic on .NET Framework and .NET Core.

曾經 VB 依託 Windows 操作系統的廣泛群眾基礎,桌面程序風靡一時,擁有幾百萬開發者群體,勢頭蓋過其他競爭對手。


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但隨著 Java 在互聯網潮流下大放異彩,C# 語言的蓬勃發展,功能集上越來越同質化,使得 VB 編程逐漸失去開發者的親睞。

現在我們可以利用 Java Swing 開發桌面程序

使用 Java 開發 Web 程序

基於 C# 語言的 Winform 組件開發桌面程序

基於 .NET 開發 Web 程序