小空間的高品質居住方式,墨爾本 / Pleysier Perkins Architects

在馬爾文郊區東部的林蔭大道上,一棟美麗的愛德華公寓經過細緻的重修後變為現代化的家庭住宅。住宅的 原有風格被保留,同時融入了結構玻璃,拱門,木質櫥櫃和襯板。設計師將室內外空間結合,另室內空間更 加開闊,同時增加了居住環境的流動性。這進一步證明了,不論多小的空間都能實現舒適的高品質現代居住 方式。


▼客廳,living room

A sensitive and considered renovation of a beautiful Edwardian on a leafy street in Malvern East. The old house was transformed into a modern family home, whilst keeping the character of the house by preserving the strong original vernacular and subtly merging it with new elements like structured glass, archways, timber cabinetry and lining boards. Our ‘outside-inside’ idea created the desired spacious feel and flow of the living area and we proofed that small spaces can achieve the quality and comfort of modern living, without adding unnecessary footprint.


▼餐廳,dining room









Project size: 159 m2 Site size: 412 m2

Building levels: 1