The Chengdu "Melody" along the "Belt and Road"

Mr. Fan Ruiping, member of Standing Committee of CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee and Party Secretary of CPC Chengdu Committee, recently led a Chengdu delegation to Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus which kicked off on August 21. During the mission the Chengdu delegation carried out a full programme of international exchange activities, which left the Chengdu melody echoing the Chengdu along the “Belt and Road.”

Between August 21 and 23, Mr. Fan Ruiping led a Chengdu delegation to implement international exchange activities in Kazakhstan. The visit aimed at ensuring that the “Belt and Road” Initiative promoted all-round collaboration with the Kazakhstan cities visited along the way and brought co-operation to new levels. With the strategic channel of the Chengdu-Europe Express Railway as a bond, Chengdu is making joint efforts with Kazakhstan to deliver benefits to enterprises and citizens of both sides.

Next between August 24 and 27, Mr. Fan Ruipin took the Chengdu delegation to implement international exchange activities in Russia. The visit aimed at implementing the “Belt and Road” Initiative-to deepen the collaboration mechanism and strengthen partnership with the Russian cities along the route through better utilizing China-Europe Train (Chengdu) strategic channel. Chengdu joined hands with Russia to enable more enterprises and citizens to enjoy the dividends of the channel and maintain Chengdu’s position as a leader in China-Russia local government exchanges and collaboration.



Between August 27 and 29, Mr. Fan Ruiping led the Chengdu delegation to participate in international exchange activities in Belarus. The visit aimed at enhancing collaboration to make full use of the China-Europe Train (Chengdu-Europe Express) strategic channel and improve its capacity to achieve economic and trade exchanges. Chengdu and Belarus, each moving in the direction of high-quality development, made joint efforts to promote in-depth exchanges along the Belt and Road and benefit the citizens along the way.

Originally published on

Chengdu discovery in September,2018
