【GRE閱讀解析】Passage 51【文學人格】短文章 詳細解析

The relevance of the literary personality—a writer’s distinctive attitudes, concerns, and artistic choices—to the analysis of a literary work is being scrutinized by various schools of contemporary criticism. Deconstructionists view the literary personality, like the writer’s biographical personality, as irrelevant. The proper focus of literary analysis, they argue, is a work’s intertextuality (interrelationship with other texts), subtexts (unspoken, concealed, or repressed discourses), and metatexts (self-referential aspects), not a perception of a writer’s verbal and aesthetic “fingerprints.” New historicists also devalue the literary personality, since, in their emphasis on a work’s historical contexts, they credit a writer with only those insights and ideas that were generally available when the writer lived. However, to readers interested in literary detective work--say scholars of classical (Greek and Roman) literature who wish to reconstruct damaged texts or deduce a work’s authorship—the literary personality sometimes provides vital clues.

1. The passage is primarily concerned with

A. discussing attitudes toward a particular focus for literary analysis

B. describing the limitations of two contemporary approaches to literary analysis

C. pointing out the similarities among seemingly contrasting approaches to literary analysis

D. defending the resurgence of a particular focus for literary analysis

E. defining a set of related terms employed in literary criticism

For the following question, consider each of the choice separately and select all that apply.


2. It can be inferred from the passage that on the issue of how to analyze a literary work, the new historicists would most likely agree with the deconstructionists that

A. The writer’s insights and ideas should be understood in terms of the writer’s historical context.

B. The writer’s literary personality has little or no relevance.

C. The critic should primarily focus on intertextuality, subtexts and metatexts.


3. In the context in which it appears, “credit writer with” most nearly means

A. trust a writer with

B. applaud a writer for

C. believe a writer created

D. presume a writer had

E. accept a writer for



The relevance of the literary personality—a writer’s distinctive attitudes, concerns, and artistic choices—to the analysis of a literary work is being scrutinized by various schools of contemporary criticism.

第1句:當代批評的各種學派正在仔細審視文學人格 - 作家的獨特態度,關注點和藝術選擇 - 與對文學作品的分析的相關性。





Deconstructionists view the literary personality, like the writer’s biographical personality, as irrelevant.




The proper focus of literary analysis, they argue, is a work’s intertextuality (interrelationship with other texts), subtexts (unspoken, concealed, or repressed discourses), and metatexts (self-referential aspects), not a perception of a writer’s verbal and aesthetic “fingerprints.”

第3句:他們認為,文學分析的適當焦點是作品的互文性(與其他文本的相互關係),潛臺詞(未說出的,隱藏的,或被壓制的話語)和元文本(自我指涉方面),而不是對作者言語和審美的 “指紋”的理解。


1、 作品的互文性,即這個作品和其他作品的關係。有可能是這部作品與同一位作家其他作品的關係,能反映出作家思想脈絡的變化;或者是這部作品與其他作家的作品的關係,能反映出這個文學流派的共性與特性等等。

2、 潛臺詞——那些作家沒有明著說出的內容,那些作家故意隱藏不說的內容,那些作家說不出來的,只能憋著的內容。

3、 元文本——本解析作者狗狗老師也不是搞文學的,不知道元文本的意思,我猜一下,有兩種可能性。第一種可能性是,大多數的文學作品(尤其是講故事的小說)不管看上去所講的故事多麼得不同,其實都可以被歸類為幾個模式化的故事,比如復仇的故事,尋求自我成長的故事,戰勝困難的故事,等等。也許這些最基本的故事母本就是這裡所說的“元文本”。那麼,解構主義者可能認為的是,當我們分析文學作品時應該分析這作品是從哪一種故事母本衍生出的,即屬於哪一種元文本。第二種可能性是,有些作家其實翻來覆去要講的都是同一個故事、哪怕寫了很多部作品,要反映的也是同一個主題。這可能就是“自我指涉”的意思——同一個作家在不同作品中反反覆覆涉及自己念念不忘的那個故事/主題。這個故事/主題就是“元文本”。那麼,解構主義者可能認為的是,當我們分析文學作品時應該分析這作品反映出的那個元文本。以上都是猜測,僅供參考。

解構主義者認為做文學分析的時候,應該考慮以上三點,而不應考慮【對作者言語和審美的 “指紋”的理解】。前面說過了,解構主義者認為做文學分析的時候,不應考慮【對作家的文學人格的理解】。那麼,很顯然,【作者言語和審美的 “指紋”】就是【作家的文學人格】的另一種表述。

有了【作家的文學人格】這種好懂的人話的幫助,我們就能看懂什麼叫做【作者言語和審美的 “指紋”】了。

打引號的“指紋”指的不是手指上的指紋,而指的是每個作者獨一無二的特徵;文學人格包括這個作者用什麼樣的語言,有什麼樣的文學審美。連起來,言語和審美的 “指紋”也就指的是作者獨一無二的文學人格。

New historicists also devalue the literary personality, since, in their emphasis on a work’s historical contexts, they credit a writer with only those insights and ideas that were generally available when the writer lived.




However, to readers interested in literary detective work--say scholars of classical (Greek and Roman) literature who wish to reconstruct damaged texts or deduce a work’s authorship—the literary personality sometimes provides vital clues.

第5句:然而,對於對文學偵探工作感興趣的讀者 – 比如說希望重建受損文本或推斷作品作者的古典(希臘和羅馬)文學的學者 - 文學人格有時會提供重要的線索。




1. The passage is primarily concerned with


A. discussing attitudes toward a particular focus for literary analysis




B. describing the limitations of two contemporary approaches to literary analysis



C. pointing out the similarities among seemingly contrasting approaches to literary analysis



D. defending the resurgence of a particular focus for literary analysis




E. defining a set of related terms employed in literary criticism


