



On 3 December 1967 Dr. Christiaan Barnard transplanted the heart of a 24-year-old girl into the chest of a 50-year-old man. The operation caught the imagination of the world, and there was a story that a television company offered a million dollars for one single photograph of Washkansky's old heart.

But the optimism was short-lived. Eighteen days after the world's first heart-transplant operation, Washkansky died of pneumonia at his hospital in Cape Town. The main problem facing Christiaan Barnard was how to prevent the body's rejection of the new heart. Anti-rejection drugs, it turned out, also weakened the body's resistance to any disease-carrying germs which came its way. It was a side effect, but it killed the patient.

Within a few days of Washkansky's transplant, another operation was performed in the United States, by Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz. The recipient, a two-and-a-half-week-old baby boy, died six hours later. A month afterwards, at the Stanford University Medical Center in California, Dr. Norman Shumway carried out a third. But his patient lived only slightly longer.

By now optimism had given way to doubt. There were those who believed that the heart was the home of the soul and the thought of a heart being transplanted from one body to another caused them a great deal of pain.

Another question asked was, was it all worth the trouble and money that went into it if at the end of the day the patient died?

But these early misgivings were not shared by everyone, and, in May 1968, one of Britain's most eminent cardiac surgeons, Donald Ross, decided to perform the operation on 45-year-old Frederick West. For the patient, it was a last chance. He had already suffered several heart attacks, and there was little hope of his living much longer in his condition. As Mr. Ross said at the time: "If the patient has no other future short of this transplant, we think we are morally justified, in the present state of our knowledge, in doing it."

For the following five weeks, Mr. West said he felt like a new man. But 46 days after his operation, Britain's first heart transplant patient died.

It was a great ordeal for Mrs. West, but an even greater ordeal had been publicity. Hundreds of reporters from the newspapers, radio and television besieged the narrow road outside the Wests' home, all wanted a glimpse of the family whose breadwinner had made British medical history. "I used to be afraid to go outside the front door," Mrs. West recalled. "People would jump on you, and others would drive by in the car and point at the house. It was frightening. All I wanted to do was hide."

The poor record of survival, plus public reaction against the media's use of heart transplants for publicity (and perhaps also entertainment), gave rise to wave of anti-transplant feelings both in and outside the medical profession. After that heart transplants as good as ceased.

One man in America carried on the research. It was Norman Shumway, who taught Christiaan Barnard his transplant techniques, after spending 20 years experimenting on animals. Today the American is one of the few foremost heart-transplant surgeons in the world, having overcome many of the earlier problems, like rejection. His rate of success speaks for itself. Out of 143 operations in the past decade, 59 patients are still alive. One man continues to lead an active life after eight years with someone else's heart beating inside him. Eight patients have survived for over five years, and 70 per cent of all Shumway's transplant cases live for over a year.

Meanwhile, we have the testimony of Mrs. Josephine West, to whom the 46 extra days she had with her husband were priceless. "They were good times," she told a friend. "And Fred had no regrets. He said, if he died tomorrow, he'd really enjoyed himself. It was like seeing him as he used to look before his heart trouble. It was all worth it, and I'd do the same again."
















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