
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:zmmyc 轉載請註明出處

Apple has spent the past 10 years trying to convince everyone that the iPad and its vision of touch-friendly computing is the future. The iPad rejected the idea of a keyboard, a trackpad, or even a stylus, and Apple mocked Microsoft for taking that exact approach with the Surface. “Our competition is different, they’re confused,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook as he stood onstage to introduce the new Macs and iPads six years ago. “They chased after netbooks, now they’re trying to make PCs into tablets and tablets into PCs. Who knows what they will do next?”
蘋果在過去10年來一直試圖讓所有人相信,iPad 及其觸摸友好型計算機才是未來發展的趨勢。 Ipad 拒絕在Ipad上增加鍵盤、觸屏板、甚至手寫筆的想法,甚至嘲笑微軟在 Surface 上增加這些配件。六年前,蘋果首席執行官蒂姆·庫克在臺上介紹新款 mac 和 ipad 時說,“我們與競爭對手是不同的,他們現在很困惑”。 蘋果在推出上網本之後就開始效仿微軟的做法,現在他們試圖把 pc 變成平板電腦,把平板電腦變成 pc。誰知道他們下一步會做什麼? ”
Every iPad has transformed into a Surface in recent years, and as of this week, the iPad Pro and Surface Pro look even more alike. Both have detachable keyboards, adjustable stands, trackpads, and styluses. With iPadOS getting cursor and mouse support this week, Apple has finally admitted that Microsoft was right about tablets.
最近幾年,每一臺iPad都在向Surface轉變。從本週開始,iPad Pro和 Surface Pro看起來更像了,因為兩者都配有可拆卸鍵盤、可調節支架、觸控板和手寫筆。而且Ipad的OS操作系統現在也可以支持光標和鼠標,蘋果終於承認微軟當初對平板電腦的看法是正確的了。

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:zmmyc 轉載請註明出處
At that point, isn’t it just a slightly more awkward laptop?
kevin034 Kevin 034
Try using an iPad Pro for working from home or education from home, you’ll be tearing your hair out in no time.

試著使用 iPad Pro 在家辦公或者在家學習,你很快就會抓狂的。

I was sure I''d end up with an Air or maybe MBP a few months ago to replace an old PC. I looked at the iPad Pro mainly to rule it out but ended up liking it the best. I work in auto sales and pretty much just need basics and light gaming. The only thing I can''t do that I''d like to is play Sims 4, but the Air doesn''t work consistently for that either. As a heavy iPhone user with basic computing needs, the iPad Pro was so easy to get started with. Apple is making significant improvements to the OS too, and I welcome the trackpad/mouse support even if it''ll be awhile until I consider upgrading my current keyboard.
幾個月前,我確信我會買一部 Air 或者 MBP 來替換我的舊電腦。我看關注iPad Pro主要是為了“拔草”,但最後愛上它了。我在汽車銷售部工作,對電腦的要求不高,只要滿足一些基本的需求和能玩一些輕鬆的遊戲就行。唯一辦不到的事情就是iPad Pro不能玩play Sims 4,但Air也不能玩play Sims 4。作為一名蘋果手機粉,iPad Pro可以算一部完美地入門產品。蘋果正在對OS操作系進行升級,iPad Pro如果能被升級成支持觸控板和鼠標就好了,不過這不著急,畢竟要不要換掉我現在的鍵盤還得考慮一段時間呢。
iPad Pro is good for drawing on
iPad Pro很適合用來繪圖
22Wideout 22 wideout
MacBooks are extremely underpowered and overpriced....nice screen and OS though
MacBook筆記本電腦性能極其低下,而且價格過高... ... 不過,它的屏幕和操作系統還是不錯的
This is gonna piss some people off, but Apple has never been about workflow/efficiency. They’ve really only ever focused on aesthetics, although I do think they are making some big improvements in their tech as of late. MacBook fans finally turn on before 80c!

I would argue that Apple is the only tech company that ever gave a shit about aesthetics until maybe the early 2010’s, and everything else they did was excellent if you were in the right market.
Professionals have been using Apple-only workflows for literally decades at this point in industries across the board so it’s hard to see what your point is here...
幾十年來,專業人士在各行各業都在使用蘋果專用的workflow,所以很難看出你的觀點到底是什麼... ..。
I don’t think big budget Hollywood studios would be so diehard Mac if the workflows weren’t good...
I feel like that’s irrelevant. They’re talking about the move towards convertibles/a more laptop like form factor.
Apple did resist this and now they’re embracing it. Nobody is claiming surface tablets sold more — there are far too many people who religiously buy every apple product they can regardless of need for that to happen.
蘋果公司曾經抵制這種想法,現在他們正在接受這種想法。沒有人宣稱 surface 平板電腦賣得更好ーー有太多人只是虔誠地想買蘋果公司發佈的每一款產品,不管實際有無需求。
You seem offended.
Woah there pal. None of this info matters. You missed the entire intent. Apple didn’t embrace what TT hey should have, and now they are and admitting their wrong.

You realize being right and being profitable are two separate things, right?

Unpopular opinion: unless you’re an illustrator, there’s virtually no reason to have both a tablet and a laptop.
說一個不受歡迎的觀點: 除非你是一個插畫家,否則幾乎沒有理由同時需要平板電腦和筆記本電腦。
For some reason people really hate hearing that. Probably because they wasted their money on one or the other.
I think for some people the two devices together accomplish the best solution, but I went with just the iPad, no "computer", and I haven''t missed out on anything yet.
I strongly disagree, I absolutely love my iPad and not counting work I don’t touch my laptop. I also use the iPad for work depending but I also use it for just about everything else. Laptops are awful at watching movies, browsing the internet (in a comfortable position) and so on.
我強烈反對----我很喜歡我的 iPad,除了工作之外,其他時間我都不打開筆記本電腦。我會用iPad處理任何事情,有時根據需要,也會用iPad進行辦公。筆記本電腦在觀看電影、瀏覽網頁(用舒服的姿勢)等等方面是一個槽糕的選擇。
When I retire (many years from now) my days of owning a computer will be over.
等我退休的時候(很多年以後) ,其實也就不再需要電腦了。

Don’t forget that Apple invented tablets. Everyone else is copying.