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Clever Ways to Deal With Rude People

There are always situations where you may face dealing with rude people. Most of the time you can just let it go or answer them back, but those things are sometimes not possible if you’re dealing with a customer, a client, your boss or someone who works with you. You have to learn how to deal with those people and here are some tips on how to do it:
1.Remain calm

3.Don’t expect rude people to change
There are certain people in this world who enjoy behaving rudely. Some don’t understand that they are rude and some just enjoy bullying others. It is only important that you realize you can’t change others. You can only change your behavior and your expectations of them.

4.Be obxtive about the situation
There are times that some person is not being rude, but you could be emotional and interpreting the whole thing in the wrong way. Sometimes they are rude because it is their personality. Many of those rude people are just trying to protect themselves from being hurt, it is their defense mechanism.
5.Choose the way you are going to respond to rudeness
First of all, you don’t have to do anything at all. Sometimes silence can be the best cure for everything. If you’re in a middle of a conversation you can ignore their comments or just act indifferently.
6.Try to understand why someone is rude

8.Keep your dignity
No matter how rude someone is and no matter what they say, don’t let them make you feel lesser about yourself and who you are. Don’t give up on your values and beliefs. This person is not worth it.

9.Don’t be affected by them
If you associate yourself with negative people, you will feel negative. Rude people function on a certain level of negativity where you can find pride, anger and fears. If their behaviour affects you, it means that you’re on their level and they can harm you.
However, if you learn to be at a higher level than they are, you won’t be affected by their words and behaviors and you won’t feel violated and attacked even if they try to bring you down.