

楊成海. 機載遙感系統在精準農業中的應用[J]. 智慧農業(中英文), 2020, 2(1): 1-22.

Yang Chenghai. Airborne remote sensing systems for precision agriculture applications[J]. Smart Agriculture, 2020, 2(1): 1-22. (in English with Chinese abstract)







摘 要:數十年來,遙感技術一直被用作精準農業的重要數據採集工具。根據距離地面的高度,遙感平臺主要包括衛星、有人駕駛飛機、無人駕駛飛機系統和地面車輛。這些遙感平臺上搭載的絕大多數傳感器是成像傳感器,也可以安裝激光雷達等其他傳感器。近年來,衛星成像傳感器的發展極大地縮小了基於飛機的成像傳感器在空間、光譜和時間分辨率方面的差距。最近幾年,作為低成本遙感平臺的無人機系統的出現極大地填補了有人駕駛飛機與地面平臺之間的間距。有人飛機具有飛行高度靈活、飛行速度快、載荷量大、飛行時間長、飛行限制少以及耐候性強等優勢,因此在未來仍將是主要的精準農業遙感平臺。本文的第1部分概述了遙感傳感器的類型和三個主要的遙感平臺(即衛星、有人駕駛飛機和無人駕駛飛機系統)。接下來的兩個部分重點介紹用於精準農業的有人機載成像系統,包括由安裝在農用飛機上的消費級相機組成的系統,並詳細描述了部分定製和商用機載成像系統,包括多光譜相機、高光譜相機和熱成像相機。第4部分提供了五個應用實例,說明如何將不同類型的遙感圖像用於精準農業應用中的作物生長評估和作物病蟲害管理。最後簡要討論了將不同遙感平臺和成像系統用於精準農業上的一些挑戰和未來的努力方向。





Fig. 1 A two-camera imaging system developed at USDAARS Aerial Application Technology Research Unit in College Station,Texas,is attached to the left step of an Air Tractor 402B via a camera mount(yellow box)

Fig. 2 A four-camera imaging system(lower left)mounted together with a hyperspectral camera (upper left), a thermal camera(upper right),and two consumer-grade RGB and NIR cameras(lower right)owned by the USDA-ARS at College Station,Texas.

Fig. 3 Airborne image and maps for a 6hm2 grain sorghum field in south Texas

Fig. 4 RGB color image and yield maps generated from yield monitor data and based on seven significant bands in a 102-band hyperspectral image for a 14hm2 grain sorghum field

Fig. 5 Airborne image and maps for an 11hm2 cotton field infested with cotton root rot near San Angelo,Texas. The green areas in the prescription map were treated with fungicide

Fig. 6 Flight lines(left)for taking images using a pair of RGB and NIR consumer-grade cameras and a mosaicked RGB image(right)for a cropping area near College Station,Texas.

Fig. 7 Images for a 124hm2 fallow field infested with the henbit weed near College Station,Texas

楊成海 研究員


Dr. Chenghai Yang is a Research Agricultural Engineer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service’s Aerial Application Technology Research Unit in College Station, Texas. He received his BS and MS degrees from Northwest A&F University in China and his Ph.D. in agricultural engineering from the University of Idaho. Dr. Yang has been conducting research on the development and application of remote sensing technologies for precision agriculture and pest management over the last 25 years. He has authored or coauthored over 350 scientific publications, and many of his accomplishments have resulted in significant technological and economic impacts and some have been adopted by government agencies, ranchers, and growers to solve practical problems. Dr. Yang has served or is serving as Chair of five technical committees for the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), including the ASABE Precision Agriculture Committee, and served as President of the Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers. He also serves as adjunct professor or guest professor at multiple institutes and as division editor or associate editor for several technical journals. Dr. Yang was elected as a Fellow of the ASABE for his outstanding contributions to the development and integration of remote sensing and engineering technologies for precision agriculture and pest management in 2018.






● 專題導讀來了:農業遙感與表型獲取分析(2020年第1期)

● 2020年《智慧農業(中英文)》首秀開幕






